Well, he's not quite Tony Toni Tone, but Words Words Words has done it again. He's officially the new Pistols (RIP). I swear, if Words' crotch gets any more fiery, Howie Long's gonna have to jump down his pants.

In another periodic check on the state of her career, Britney heads straight for the bargain bins. - The Imaginary Reviewer (I wonder if she ran into Taylor Dayne and Samantha Fox?)
Part of the divorce decree is that every week, Britney has to buy three jumbo-packs of Gino's Pizza Rolls, so that K-Fed becomes "K Overfed." - Cormac Brown (Judging by the recent pics of him, she's doing a better job taking care of her ex than her kids. Or herself.)
"Let's see...5 lb. bag of pork rinds, check. A case of Old Milwaukee's Best, check. Hannah Montana movie, check. Three bottles of Nyquil, check. Okay, I'm ready for Friday night!" - Doc (I like this one because it sounds just like my Friday night! Well, except for the pork rinds.)
"Hey geezer, where do I go to find the "Estamos Contratandos"?
Where do I find the tampons with extra long strings?
Or: "Gotta look like regular folks...I hope my short-shorts aren't too long."
"Where are your candles? I need a wax job 'down there'. These shorts barely hide the ZZ Top I'm sportin'!"
"Do you guys sell vasoline? Like in bulk?"
"Where's the anti-itch cream? Cause I gotta rash the size of Idaho!"
"Damn! They've got this same effing shirt for ten bucks! I paid $750!"
"Let's see...5 lb. bag of pork rinds, check. A case of Old Milwaukee's Best, check. Hannah Montana movie, check. Three bottles of Nyquil, check. Okay, I'm ready for Friday night!"
"Don't mind me, I'm just here to check on sales of my new fragrance, Circus Fantasy."
So far, I think Cormac has this one wrapped up but I can't wait to read the later entries.
"What U See Is What U Get."
"Me Against Common Sense."
"She'll Never Be Me (And She's SOOOOOO F*cking Relieved!!)"
"Not A Girl, Not Yet A Chick Who Should Be Allowed To Dress Herself."
Yeah, okay, I'm done.
"Thank you for offering to be a part of Target's marketing campaign, Ms. Spears, but when we advertised jeans at 80% off, that is not what we meant."
"In wacky celebrity news, Britney Spears was the winner of Target's Aileen Wuornos Look-A-Like contest."
"Buy these pink boots at Target, y'all, and help me kick breast cancer right in the cooch!"
Rock Bottom
You'll know it when you hit it.
Your new pic is awesomely creepy!
And Red, you can hand off the Firecrotch baton to me at the Off-Ramp Motor Lodge out on 101 across from the adult bookstore.