I had a small existential crisis last week. As part of my new gig with Celeb Love, I had to write about a certain reality TV (ex) duo that I promised myself I would never cover. (I still won't mention them on my own blog, but their names rhyme with Yawn and Hate.) But I guess that's what happens when someone's paying you to write - you can't always write what you want. But if you try sometimes, you'll find you get what you need. Like, today I got to do a funny post about Jennifer Aniston supposedly drunk dialing Brad Pitt. And tomorrow - well, tomorrow I get to write about Adam Lambert. So, yeah...what was I bitching about before?
The new gig has been fun, but between that and my Starpulse duties, I guess I've been experiencing a bit of entertainment overload. That must be why I've been slacking on my own blog.
No, no, that can't be it. I could never get tired of this pop culture rubbish. It's gotta be the dreaded day job. I need to find a way to get rid of that without going completely broke.
Anyway, just wanted to pop in to let everyone know I'm still alive and that I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger. To make it up to you, here is a great vid that was passed on to me by the blogger formerly known as Falwless. This little girl is amazing. I think I would like to have kids, but only if they're this cool and hilarious. (And let's be honest, with my genes, that's pretty damn likely.)
Paying gigs dude? Aren't YOU sassy? Well done. Now I have to go try to find your writings over there. Gosh you're famous.
Does she listen to Daddy's porn through the walls?
Shhhhhhhh.... It's all cool.... All cool.