So, I've finally decided to play along with this feature, hosted by Sass at Are You Sassified? I'm not sure if I will play along every week, but seeing as how I'm feeling a little uninspired these days, a bit of fill-in-the-blanks blogging sounds like a good plan. And this is a much easier theme to bend to my format than the very popular "TMI Thursday." (Sorry for all of you who were hoping to finally learn about my inopportune bouts of projectile vomiting or hilarious menstrual mishaps.)
So, here we go. This week, I want:
1. Pearl Jam to announce some NYC tour dates. Seriously. What the hell is going on? This is still the center of the universe, right?
2. That "Kittens Inspired By Kittens" girl to be my daughter. (Here she is being awesome again, explaining WWII. Someone should make her version into a movie.) She would be the best kind of daughter, because she's cute, already has a well-developed sense of humor, and I wouldn't have to push her out of my vagina. Would anyone like to help me kidnap her? Or, if that's too extreme, are there any lawyers out there who could somehow talk her real mom into striking me a deal where I at least get to have her on weekends and holidays?
3. Rock Band. Are you listening, family? Christmas is coming!!
4. To clarify that last statement. By "Rock Band," I mean the regular Rock Band, not LEGO Rock Band. What on earth is that? Why did anyone think that the world needed a Rock Band starring LEGO versions of musicians?
5. A LEGO Damon Albarn. If they make the actual LEGO figures, and they're not just avatars for the Rock Band game, I wouldn't mind having one to, you know, play with. The LEGO Damon doesn't do the real one justice, but I guess I can't expect much from a LEGO. But I do expect some accuracy. I mean, whatever EA schlub created Damon's likeness must be color blind because he doesn't have green eyes. I suppose sometimes they do look green, but they're blue. Beautiful, beautiful blue. The Dave Rowntree and Alex James LEGOs are pretty dead on, but Graham Coxon just kind of looks like Harry Potter. (As far as the non-Blur LEGOs go, Iggy Pop looks pretty damn awesome, David Bowie looks more like Peter Noone - except for the mismatched eyes, and Freddie Mercury is a weird cross between Tony Orlando and one of the Mario Brothers.)
6. Someone to nominate me for What Not to Wear. Damn, I need new clothes.
I think if you go to www.mandms.com you can make him into an M&M man.
Should hold you over until the lego version comes out.
I mean, LEGO Star Wars was awesome, LEGO Indiana Jones okay, LEGO Batman neat...but Rock Band? No thanks.
And, apparently, unless I land a DS, I won't be partaking in LEGO Harry Potter. *pouts*
I am surprised you stopped at just having Pearl Jam to announce a tour date in NYC...you could go so far with the whole Ed Vedder thing.. :) :)
"WWII, Inspired By...Shrooms!"
Also, I would not say no to being on What Not To Wear, if it meant a whole new wardrobe.