Before you get on with your tree-trimming or dreidel-spinning or candle-lighting or grievance-airing or whatever "ing" that Pagans do, take a minute to pour a drink and toast Eddie Vedder, who turns 45 today. Even though he had the nerve to get engaged to someone who's
not me this year, I still love him. Santa has failed to bring him to me for about 18 years now, so I guess I'm kind of used to the disappointment.
If you're not sure why you should praise this man (you know, if you're one of those people who doesn't value good looks and incredible talent), take a look at
last year's Veddermas post, in which I list the numerous similarities between Eddie and The Big J. It's an eye-opener.
He's amazing
She's gonna shed a little light on them
Merry Veddemas, and if only he knew what he was missing.
He's 45?!?!
Damn, I'm getting sooooo old!