Full-length when she left the house, Lohan laughs when she realizes her jeans have become the latest victim of the sucking, insatiable black hole between her legs.

The only thing that angers me (in more ways than one) is that McGone no longer has a blog. So, Mr. McFieryloins, I trust that you will either post this badge on your Facebook wall or make it into a decal and iron it across the seat of your favorite pair of sweatpants. (Don't forget to get rid of the white space, because that will look stupid. Unless your sweatpants are white. Which they probably shouldn't be.)

And the runner up (yep, only one this month) is...
Despite the disappointing turnout, Lindsay still tried to enjoy herself at the first annual Herpes Pride Parade. - Jon
Oooh, your crotchfire almost continue to burn for two months straight, Jon, but McGone, uh, blew it out.
It's amazing after all this time I still can't do effing captions. :(
Pootie: I'm on hold with the clinic still trying to get your test results...
"Man am I glad Perez is onto Tila and is forgetting I exist"
Lindsay: "hahahaha! Good one!"
I wouldn't want to be the dude or dudette who had to pull those out.
HAHAHA@ Veg Assassin's last one.
Great they replayed Parent Trap on TBS and the royalties just hit my checking account - let's hurry over to Kitson and buy the rest of my pants.
(my first attempt at the caption contest - fingers crossed...)
Pootie: No, really. Does it make me look fierce?
Lindsay: I need them to hold my tits.
You know who this is, dammit!! It's Pootie!"
I'm not witty enough to come up with a caption. I just wanted to inform you that she creeps me out :)
That's seriously all I got. God, I suck at life.
Pootie: Hold on sugar. Um, yeah, about that vasectomy?
Yeah I suck at this too. Which is why I never enter - just laugh.
Pootie: "OMG, Linds, IDK, ur like sooooo sexy n stuff."
And I'm thinking about seeking therapy after the whole "McGone blew out Jon's crotchfire" thing!
*pulls them back out of the trash and wears them anyway, because who are you to tell me my pizza stains are ugly*
my word verification