As you've all probably already heard by now, Tila's supposed fiancée Casey Johnson was found dead in her home on Monday morning (and apparently had been dead for days before the body was discovered). Now, I know we all deal with grief in different ways, but if your fiancée just died, would you tweet that grief every hour and then get into a third grade bitch-fight with a gossip blogger?? No? Congratulations, you are a normal person. Tila Tequila is not. Take a look at some of her tweets after Casey's body was found:
Jan. 4
3:37 pm - Been jetsetting all over the holidays time to finally go home I feel naustious
5:37 pm - Everyone please pray 4 my Wifey Casey Johnson. She has passed away. Thank u for all ur love and support but I will be offline to be w family
6:24 pm - This is a very heartbreaking time for me. I just want some pricacy as I deal with the loss of my Fiance Casey Johnson. I'm heart is shredded
6:30 pm - I just got news that my fiance is not dead but currently in a coma!!! Omg please pray that she will make it! Hang in there my love please!!!
6:33 pm - I know u can feel me Casey! Dot let go! I'm almost home baby please hang on! We have a beautiful life planned out for us! I LOVE u! Hang on!
7:02 pm - I'm still in shock! Once again thank U for the outpour of love and support. I just wish to have some privacy at this heartbreaking time.
7:09 pm - R.I.P my Angel. @caseyjonsonJnJ u will forever be in my heart! I love u so so much and we will Marry when I see U in Heaven my Wifey
Jan. 5
1:15 am - I can't stop these haunting visions of her and I. We made such a lovely couple, only beginning to spend the rest of our lives together...
1-ish am - I miss her so much. Can't stop crying. Haven't slept for days....My entire house is filled with her stuff. Im in bed without her here...
2-ish am - All of her doggies are still at my house. Friends & family just came by and we appreciate everyones support during this heartbreaking time.
5-ish am - Just Leave Us Alone!!! - http://tinyurl.com/ykp27le - Retweet
7-ish am - I shouldn't be on the net but this is the only place I can find some temporary solace. I miss her so much. Sooooo much. Didn't get 2 say bye
7-ish am - We used to tweet each other @caseyjonsonJnJ while laying right next to each other in our bedroom. But now I tweet alone.. unbearable pain.
HOLY. SHIT. Is this broad kidding? First of all, these two were so in love, yet Tila went off "jetsetting" and partying without her beloved "Wifey" on New Year's Eve? And what's up with all of the "coma" crap? From the very first reports, Casey was pronounced dead at the scene. She had been dead for days. Are we really supposed to believe that someone led Tila to believe that her gf was only in a coma? It sounds like she just quickly scanned one of the stories that revealed Casey's history of diabetic comas.
I really don't want to be a completely callous bitch and immediately assume the worst, but it seems clear to me that Tila is just using this as yet another opportunity to grab the spotlight. Her fiancée is dead, but it's still all about HER. Seriously, she said she was going to be offline to be with family and then was tweeting again less than an hour later? And she refuses to stop tweeting, yet begs for privacy. O...K. The funniest part is her claim that the Internet is the only place she can "find temporary solace." Yes, because people on the Internet (like me!) are all so nice and very sympathetic to her. Good Lord.
While looking for solace, Tila found Perez Hilton tweeting stuff like: "I'm amazed you're not broadcasting live, showing us you're 'grieving'! That's totally something trash like you would do!" and "Tweet away, honey. The more you Tweet, the more your true colors reveal themselves. And they are vile!" So, instead of just ignoring him (because as annoying as Perez is, being annoying is pretty much his job) or issuing one statement, she settled in for an all-out twat battle.

Then, about two hours ago, Tila said she was signing off because she has so much to do tomorrow, yet has continued to retweet supportive messages from the "Tila Army" (really? can't we send them to Iraq?) and cut and paste more hollow "Wifey" comments.
Of course, the big question is: Why do we even know who this skank is to begin with? I think that there needs to be some sort of tabloid and blog council that periodically evaluates the entertainment value and general worth of celebutards, and the ones who are deemed "obsolete" (just like that old Twilight Zone episode) are stripped of their fame (since we might not get away with actually killing them, like in that Twilight Zone episode). The council could then impose sanctions on any media outlets who continue to cover these blacklisted ex-celebs.
Because as fun as it is making fun of these wackos, there is a big difference between Tila Tequila and Lindsay Lohan. LiLo actually had a career once upon a time. She was an actress. She became famous for a real reason. Tila became famous for no reason. No good one, anyway.
I actually expected more bleating about this from Paris Hilton but she's been quite quiet apart from a brief statement. Actually, she's been quiet in general lately, did hell freeze over finally?
Discuss amongst yourselves. I'm in mourning...
I've stopped caring.
I almost hope she's got an assistant who writes this shit, as most of them do, and that the assistant is just fucking with her and laughing her ass off.
I love infinity sic.
I love the multiple pleads for privacy and then minutes later she back at it.
I despise Perez but his statement actually rang true with a live feed.
What a train wreck.
My God, if not now, when can you be a callous bitch and assume the worst? This is a fame whore liveblogging her grief. All bets are off with this shit. Let's all get our Callous Bitch on.
And I thoroughly enjoy the fact that Tequila tweeted "I know u can feel me Casey! Dot let go! I'm almost home baby please hang on! We have a beautiful life planned out for us! I LOVE u! Hang on!" Just in case Johnson woke up from this alleged/erroneous coma, you know the first thing she would do is check in on Tequila's Tweets.
Sweet Fancy Moses, did I really just type "Tequila's Tweets?"
It is a perfect solution.
Welcome to the 21st Century, where two people in bed together no longer say "I just wanted to be held," but rather "I just wanted you to tweet me."
I am flabberghasted.
Casey couldn't have given "wifey" a better parting gift. 15 MORE minutes.
Who cares? And what pisses me off is that quality shows get cancelled, because people would rather tune in to watch trash like her than quality acting.
I didn't even know she was engaged. But I find it a bit of an irony that every time her name comes up, I need a shot of tequila just to think of her. This is why I don't pay attention to Hollywood.
and 'naustious'.