Everyone headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to meet Tim Gunn, who was surrounded by several mannequins in original fashions by iconic designers like Dior and Balenciaga. The designers were appropriately giddy being up close and personal with their idols' creations.
Tim quickly crushed all the high spirits in the room with the two most dreaded words one can hear on Project Runway: TEAM CHALLENGE. But the good news was that each team had a whopping $500 budget to design a "high-end signature look."
Team captains were picked at random, and Ping was among them. Jesse hoped that Ping wouldn't pick him, which he should have never hoped for out loud. The teams were Jay/Maya, Jesus/Amy, Anthony/Seth Aaron, Janeane/Ben, Mila/Jonathan, Ping/Jesse, and Emilio/Anna Marie.
Continue on to Starpulse to read the full recap!
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