I didn't actually watch the results show tonight, and now that I hear there was a cheesy group lip-sync of Estelle's "American Boy," I'm glad I didn't. Did the Ford commercials start already? No, don't tell me. I don't wanna know.
Apparently, I missed a couple of people who actually can sing — Allison Iraheta and our reigning Idol, Kris Allen.
VFTW got what they wanted: The Superfluous E and Little Timmy got to stay and assault our ears for at least another week. On the girls' side, Ashley (my one correct pick) and Janell were cut, while Tyler and Joe were the first boys to fall. I actually almost picked Joe, but in a group of such lame-o guys, it was hard to pick who was lamest.
Find more Idol news and recaps at SirLinksaLot.
Just wanted to say the ol' Pop Eye is pretty good to help keep up with AI without TV the last 2 weeks.
Oh, and BTW, I'd like to retract everything I've ever said about wordver. Those fucking asshole spammers have gotten out of hand.
I was surprised about the boys to go. And pissed that we have to live through another week of Haeley.