It was 56 years ago today that this little guy came into the world (19 years and 1 day before I did). I've loved him since I was 5 —literally for as long as I can remember — and even though he's sporting some crazy hair on his face and no hair on his head (where it ought to be) right now, I still love him as much as I did back then. Guess who?
Okay, so "guess who" was more of a cutesy rhetorical question rather than a trivia question. Because, unless you're completely new to my blog (and/or can't see the picture down below), that would be, like, a negative 20 on the trivia difficulty scale.

Why, it's John Travolta, of course. Everyone wish him a happy birthday. You don't have to have a cupcake in his honor, like I do every year, but it couldn't hurt. Unless you gave up sweets for that crazy "Lent" thing all those kids with the dirty foreheads are talking about these days.
Oh, and since my birthday is tomorrow, you know what you can do for me? Don't leave a comment about my beloved that will only serve to piss me off. You instigators know who you are.
Gee, I hope he reads this.
and happy early Birthday BeckEye! You have brought us great entertainment over the years, and NOBODY rocks the tighty whiteys as well as you do. No one will stop me from having a cupcake in your honor tomorrow.
Vinnie Barabrino's all growed up! And he doesn't have to live in that plastic bubble anymore.
Confession time: Have you SEEN "The Experts"? The last movie before "Look Who's Talking" revived his career?
I have.
Damn you and your thwartyness.
But happy birthday for tomorrow Big Fella!
I like that nickname as you're neither big nor a fella.
I might be the only person on the planet who would willingly sit down and re-watch "Two of a Kind" if I stumbled on it.
Oh yeah, and HAPPY BIRFDAY! You're just a young lass yet!
And John WAS in Pulp Fiction and Grease and, for that, will always have a special place in my heart. Especially if he really does renounce Scientology...
So, what I'm trying to say is, "Happy Birthday" to the both of yous!
By the way, asking me if I've seen any John Travolta movie is kind of like asking the Pope if he's ever been to church. I own most of his catalog (even the ridiculous "Shout") on VHS or DVD.