I will be spending the day listening to the wonderful new Gorillaz record, Plastic Beach, and probably every Blur record, while I wring my hands in anticipation of their documentary, No Distance Left To Run, arriving in my mailbox some time this century. (Move it, Amazon!)
I also thought I'd commemorate this day as if I were a 13-year-old girl, which is kind of how I feel every time I see a picture of the lovely Damon. So, enjoy this goofy, girly slideshow of gorgeousness through the years. (Just be glad I didn't make it pink with flying glitter-hearts.)
Note to Veggie Assassin: Before you say anything, just DON'T. It's his birthday. Be nice. Spit out that haterade.
Now I feel old.
I am now intrigued to purchase the song you mentioned. I will download it tonight :) :)
Thanks for the suggestion. Happy Birthday to your man :)
Er I mean happy birthday Damon! 42 is OLD! Hahahahaa
Happy birthday Damon. Although I still haven't forgiven you for that godawful Country House song, I wish you a happy birtday. GOD YOU ARE SEXY.