And with that, Michael is finally out of their lives forever.

And there is the winning caption, provided by
Scope, a first-time winner but long-time honorary firecrotch.

I don't know if this is how Scope meant it, but the caption is funny to me because I can't help imagining that Dina and LiLo just chopped Michael up into little pieces (probably with Dina's heels) and they're getting rid of the final evidence.
Since there was such a WEAK turnout this month, there are no runner up prizes. See what you did, people who didn't enter? You ruined things for everyone!
-- And later, Lindsay will show Dina the porper way to purge behind a dumpster, so the photogs won't see.
Not rude or entertaining, but wouldn't it be FUNNY?
Yes, you do know how my mind works Becky...
Those are serious hooker heels
I was off in Seattle all weekend, so I didn't have the chance to accept this properly yet, but will do so tomorrow.
Once again, thank you, I feel homored!