How does something like that even happen? How does the dog walker not get injured? How does the dog walker not see the truck coming and pull the dogs out of the way or warn the driver? Were the dogs not leashed? Was the driver not paying attention? Arrrgh, this just pisses me off. My poor Johnny. Poor doggies.
Of course, the strangest thing about all of this is the realization that I didn't even know what kind of dogs John Travolta had. How does that happen??
ETA: Well, at least there's some good news for John—he and Kelly Preston are having another baby! Wow, Kelly is preggers again at 47? I'm 10 years younger and convinced that my ovaries are all dried up, but who knows. Maybe there's hope for me yet.
Also, just had to do a little Glee squee! with you! Idina and Lea, weep weep!!! Your (evil) boyfriend Jonathan is the cutest little cutie. Our shared boy-toy Puck made me howl: "Is he dead?" Is it wrong that I've watched the video for "Run Johnny Run" possibly 15 times? Puck in a tank top... Puck's armpits... I am dying of love for that show.