Yes, yes, I know it's been four days since I've blogged anything. And it's not like celebutards aren't doing anything noteworthy. They are. I mean, Paris and Britney have passed the torch to Miley Cyrus, who is flashing her vuvuzela around town. But I've just been busy. Or "tired and uninspired" as I said last time. Or, if I'm being honest, I'm being just plain lazy. I hope you'll stick with me though, because tomorrow is actually a big day for The Pop Eye. (Tease)
Another reason I haven't written anything this week is because my BFF is visiting. She came in to town last night and will be here until tomorrow. I'm off work today but only have a brief moment to check in with you folks before she gets back from a quick lunch with another friend. We are going to see Kip Winger and Reb Beach tonight at Pittsburgh's Hard Rock Cafe. And that's really the MAIN reason I haven't been blogging. I've been in a very Zen-ish lotus position since Sunday. It takes a lot of meditation to prepare myself for the wall of head and chest hair I expect to encounter this evening. Wish me well. Ohm, muthahumpas.

You have nothing to apologoze for. At. All.