Have A Groovy Day, Daddy-Os

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

In honor of this occasion, why not check out my Starpulse list of Top 10 TV Dads? You know it's the right thing to do. Don't disappoint Mr. Brady. Click. Read. Comment. Then wash up for dinner.


Scope said…
Unrelated comment - I totally a friend's MIND today when I mentioned, off the cuff, that Kip Winger had canceled his concert in Pittsburgh. When asked how I knew this, I said, "The Beckeye" told me.
Heff said…
ROBERT REED ??? C'mon !!
You have no idea how relieved I am that Gene Simmons is not on that list.
Sadako said…
Yay for Mr. Brady! He was always awesome. Even though the actor who played him secretly hated it.
cube said…
Robert Reed was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that...