It was five years ago today (that's about 75 in blog years) that I thought to myself, "Hmmm, maybe other people out there would be interested in my nonsensical ramblings about unimportant shit." And I was right! For the most part, anyway.

I'm thinking that this blog will either be around at least five more years or I'll just decide to go out in a blaze of glory in about five days. Like it or not, I think the former is probably more likely. I'm too afraid that, on the day after I end my blog, something awesome will happen. Like, I don't know, all the ghosts of great musicians past return to Earth and rip Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha and The Biebs apart, Hellraiser style. And I just couldn't chance missing an opportunity to comment on that action.

I'm thinking that this blog will either be around at least five more years or I'll just decide to go out in a blaze of glory in about five days. Like it or not, I think the former is probably more likely. I'm too afraid that, on the day after I end my blog, something awesome will happen. Like, I don't know, all the ghosts of great musicians past return to Earth and rip Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha and The Biebs apart, Hellraiser style. And I just couldn't chance missing an opportunity to comment on that action.
Your post reminded me that my own blog just had its 6th birthday. Guess I better buy it some flowers and chocolates to make up for forgetting.
I feel like a baby. I won't be 2 til October.
Firstly I congrats you for passing the five years her. and welcome for joining the blogger again.
What REALLY cracks me up (and I've seen it more than once) is when some decides NOT to blog anymore, and THEY BLOG ABOUT THEIR DECISION !
"This will be my LAST POST. Really, I'm not kidding. I don't enjoy doing this anymore, etc, etc..."
I bow down before your awesomeness!
You always manage to put a smile on our faces and let's face it, you will be the lone thing keeping American Idol alive, with Simon gone and Ellen somehow not finding her niche on the show.
And we can only have our crotches burn once a month, but yours burns eternal...wait, that's not right. At any rate, as usual, other people say better than I do.
Happy Blogoversary!
Keep up the good work BeckEye!
PS - word ver: lurid - my favorite type of gossip!
Also love the Grease ref on your comments--the tell me about it, studs. Too cool for words. LOVE Grease myself and I actually recapped it on my blog not that long ago.
I heart you!