"I don't know why Li-Lo said I should try the 'prison smoothie'."
Yeah, grooossss! Well, you can thank Cormac Brown for ruining your appetite—he's this month's Firecrotch!
Sorry it took me until the month was halfway over to crown someone the winner. I've been spending late nights at the law library trying to figure out how to keep LiLo out of jail. But don't worry, Cormac. You can co-crotch with August's winner until mid-month.
Now here are your runners up, each of whom wins a lifetime supply of prison smoothies:
"I want an Oompa Loompa, Daddy, and I want it NOW!" - Flannery Alden (Missed back-to-back Firecrotch awards by thismuch.)
You can make Brit cover her ladyparts in public, but you can't make her like it. - Alice (So true, so true.)

Now here are your runners up, each of whom wins a lifetime supply of prison smoothies:
"I want an Oompa Loompa, Daddy, and I want it NOW!" - Flannery Alden (Missed back-to-back Firecrotch awards by thismuch.)
You can make Brit cover her ladyparts in public, but you can't make her like it. - Alice (So true, so true.)
Brittney reacts to LiLo's jail sentence.
You DONT like me...You really, really DONT like me.
That's it for this week's Meltdown Masterpiece. Tune in next week to see Brittney take on The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
and my word verification?
Maybe that should be the caption!!!