"When you said that you were feeling a little hoarse I completely misunderstood you."

There is this month's winning caption, provided by first-time winner,
Boonie S. I know it's almost the end of October but don't worry, Boonie, I'll let you flame on until mid-November.

Sorry it took until almost the end of the month to name a winner but, as you know, I haven't really been feeling the blog thing lately. Also, the turn-out this month was pretty weak, despite the caption contest coming out as the winning recurring topic in my readers' poll. I guess it has something to do with my recent lack of posting and commenting. I don't really want to give up blogging, though, so I hope everyone will bear with me through this...whatever it is. Let's call it an apathetic patch.
Have a nice day, Boonie
Don't tell me this Snooki chick is actually going to mount me, too!