Two amorous brown bears roll their eyes as they are reminded that Kardashians only date black bears.

Because I'm so happy to see him again (and, of course, it's apt): "We were wondering what to do with those unsold copies of 'Kardashian Konfidential,' and Charmin's offer was too good to be true!" - The Imaginary Reviewer
Because there's gotta be a moral in there somewhere: The Charmin Bears discuss whether Kim's ass is too small, too big, or just right. - Words Words Words (yeah, him again)
Because I constantly need to be reminded of the Pope's faith: "Is The Pope Catholic? Do two bears tag team Kim Kardashian in the woods?" - Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
Because I want to believe there really is a Whoreville: Embarrassingly, as he took the stage to present her with the key to the city, the mayor of Whoreville realized he had worn the same thing as Kim's date. - The Real Johnson
Coming soon: Cast your ballot for Firecrotch of the Year!
And, see, that is the REAL reason I asked him for his autograph when we met; it had nothing to do with his film career at all, I just told him that so he wouldn't think I was flirting with him by admiring his firecrotch prowess.
I would also like to nominate Cora for Flatterer Of The Year :p