Yes, I'm still observing Veddermas, even though Eddie decided to get married this year. TO A MODEL. Not very godlike, if you ask me. Well, it's exactly what that crazy bastard Zeus would do, but none of the top gods would. Then again, they're not exactly chick magnets...the Christian God is a single dad, Allah has a violent streak, Krishna has too much of a Big Love thing going on, Jah's stoned all the time and Buddha...well, he's not even really a god. I mean, if he were, I'm sure he would've given himself some hair and tight abs.
So, what was my point? I don't know, but I should probably just wish you all a Merry Veddermas one last time and end this post before someone declares a holy war on my blog. I think I'm still on a few "lists" due to my Eddie/Jesus comparison a couple of years back.
Merry Eddiemas to you and yours, BeckEye!
Merry Eddiemas to you and yours, BeckEye!
I recall a discussion I had with a friend of mine in high school back in the early 90s:
Me: Is it just me or do Eddie's eyes look really evil in the video for Jeremy?
Robb: Dude! Eddie Vedder's eyes look really evil when they're OPEN.
Keep in mind that was the early 90s. I don't think Eddie's eyes look quite so sinister as they once did.
I prefer to celebrate KISSmas.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, BeckEye.
My main memory of his lyrics.
(I like beating dead horses.)
Word ver = "hotilin" Are the Google Gods saying "Hot? I lying."
I'm not even sure what that means, but have a great holiday anyway, Beckeye!