Well, that post title really encompasses a lot, so let's just stick with the things at the front of my brain right now.
1. The Roomate (aka Single White Female: The College Years) - OK, not only do I not understand who decided that we needed a Single White Female ripoff/remake, but I also don't see the point in casting Leighton Meester and Minka Kelly, who are virtually indistinguishable from one another. What is going to be the plot twist? The bad one dyes her long, straight hair a slightly deeper shade of brown? Or she starts wearing the good one's favorite perfume (which is probably that Britney Spears shit)? Should it be suspenseful when we're left to wonder if the bad one will succeed in seducing the good one's boyfriend? I mean, really, even if she wasn't crazy and trying to get with the boyfriend, with all the drinking that goes on in college, the guy would be bound to bang her at least once by mistake, being that she looks EXACTLY like his girlfriend. And will there be a death by high-heeled shoe? Because if not, what's the point?
2. The appeal of Clive Owen - This is number one on my list of "guys everyone but me thinks is hot." I just don't get it. There is something really off about his features. I'm not saying he's ugly, but he's definitely not drool-worthy. I mean, that nose is just ridiculous. If I want a guy with an effed up nose, I'll take Chris Isaak.

3. Business jargon - Is there a business person left in this world who still thinks that yammering on and on about grabbing low hanging fruit and exploring parameters to facilitate actionable outcomes while taking paradigm shifts to the next level as a means of leveraging their
leveragable leverage actually makes them sound educated?? Does every sentence really need to start with "At the end of the day...?" Does the last paragraph of every email or memo/post-it have to begin with "Going forward...?" And I swear to God, if another person ever asks me to "download" information to them, I will slice open their brain, jam a computer chip in it, and then give it a try.

4. All the interest in the royals - I cannot
wait for Prince William and Kate Middleton to get married so I don't have to hear about their royal wedding. I can kind of understand why British people would care about this crap, but why are so many Americans fascinated by these people? Is our own country suffering a shortage of extremely rich and privileged people with no apparent purpose? According to MTV, E! and, well, just about every other channel, the answer to that is "no, not even a little bit."

At least it's not a "win-win".
Or a remake of "Swim Fan"
I respectfully totally absolutely disagree with you on Clive Owen, he is numero uno on my Freebie Five and I posted about it last year (update coming soon, he is the only carryover).
My now ex-boss said win-win so often my ears started to wiggle. As we cant drink at work, a peer and i would fake sneeze every time he said it. Jerk never caught on!
*Except for the Britney Spears perfume thing. That sounds terrible.
So, in conclusion, I'd just like to say "Go Pack Go!"
And the "Royals" - I bet all the interest is because no one's heard from Snookie lately.
2. No comment. Not 100% sure who he is.
3. Yes, yes and yes! My new job has a whole grip of these poopieheads.
4. Because she's a PRINCESS... just like 99% of girls were told that they were growing up. Except this time it is real.
The business lingo makes me laugh at those people...
Who am these prince and princesses of which you speak?
2) Not being a female I won't venture a guess. I think he's an adequate actor but the only film I've seen him in and came away feeling that he truly did a great job was the Aussie film The Boys Are Back (well worth seeing, btw). Just about everything else I've seen him do I've felt that his performance could have been done by just about any other moderately attractive British or Aussie actor.
3) For some reason I immediately thought of Malcolm McDowell's cameo in the Topher Grace/Dennis Quaid vehicle, In Good Company when I read this part of your post.
4) Being married to a Brit, I kind of get this. What is fascinating about the royals is that for the most part they're born into their fame. They don't have a choice in the matter as they have no more control over how they're born than the rest of us. It's interesting to see how people who are famous by virtue of birth react to that fame. It's quite a different dynamic to those who actually seek out fame like almost every single reality TV star ever here in the US.
The Roommate thing is beyond me too. I admit a guilty pleasure thing from Single White Female but like you said it's been done and probably better so why? Granted Brigit Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh looked remarkably similar in that movie too although only after the creepy transformation of JJL. It's just like...can't Hollywood come up with ONE new idea? Is this really necessary?
As for the British wedding thing, all my peeps back in the UK don't give a crap and are already fed up with it except for the fact they'll probably get a holiday which is a good reason to let them do their damn thing. :)
2. I don't really care one way or the other. Both Owen and Isaak come ridiculously close to breaking the Nose Mouth Rule.
3. I hate business jargon in real life and on TV commercials.
4. Royals, who? Honestly, I only care less about the cast from Jersey Shore.
2 he is uglier than hell, I am glad to see I am not the only one who feels this way
3 I am not educated enough to make an intelligent comment
4 I don't give a hairy rats ass about the royal wedding.
I couldn't tell those two girls apart from the room mate.
I also loathe the word synergey.
I want to shout: Fuck off when I hear that.