Hey fans and friends and odds and ends, I'm over at YourTango today with an
article about the supposed Best Actress Oscar curse. That's the curse that ends relationships, not the one that ends with people being dragged to hell, or the one that causes sandbags to fall on people's heads, or the one that brings mummies to life to sink cruise ships. Get your curses straight. Anyway, you should check it out. And then help me figure out how to get Eddie Vedder's wife an Academy Award. Or Ewan McGregor's wife. Or both. Don't worry about how I get him/them to come to me after the curse strikes. Plans A-Y are completed and I'm confident that Plan Z will be done in time.
Isnt the curse that their husbands feel emasculated by their wives' success, and cheat and the marriages go down in flames?
I hear Ewan has one of those "open relationship" thingies (rumour) so maybe you can get you some of that sandwich after all. Ha!