Some days it's not even worth getting out of bed, is it?
Exhibit A: As something of a 40th birthday present to himself (and a belated 38th birthday kick in the life to me), Ewan McGregor has announced that he won't be doing any more nude scenes. EVER. Now, not that there aren't plenty of movies to remember his peen by, but it just seems so unfair. He could have at least waited until he turned 50. This is not only bad news for ladies and gays, but also for Ewan himself. Because, with nothing else to focus on but the plot, we're not going to be so forgiving if he makes another movie like Deception.
Exhibit B: Knut the polar bear died suddenly over the weekend. The cause of death is unknown as of now, but already some are speculating that he was killed "by fame" or from depression after the death of the zookeeper who raised him. I tend to go along with one animal expert's opinion that "Perhaps his mother may have abandoned him as a baby for a reason—having identified some kind of genetic problem in advance." While a necropsy to
determine the cause of death is underway, fans have been placing candles, flowers and stuffed animals at the entrance of the Berlin Zoo and around Knut's exhibit as memorials for the fuzzy little guy. I'm sure a lot of people will think that's stupid, just as they'll think it's stupid that I'm actually getting teary-eyed just thinking about poor Knut, but those people can go eat monkey feces.

Exhibit B: Knut the polar bear died suddenly over the weekend. The cause of death is unknown as of now, but already some are speculating that he was killed "by fame" or from depression after the death of the zookeeper who raised him. I tend to go along with one animal expert's opinion that "Perhaps his mother may have abandoned him as a baby for a reason—having identified some kind of genetic problem in advance." While a necropsy to

My God, if the people taking care of her in the zoo KNEW she was BORED, and KNEW she ATE DIRT when she was BORED, and KNEW that EATING DIRT would KILL her, then why the hell didn't they give her SOMETHING TO DO so she wouldn't be SUICIDAL?!?! Just stupid! :-(
*end rant over dead zoo animals*