Anyway, I just thought you might all be wondering where BeckEye has been lately. Because other than on American Idol nights, she's been kinda M.I.A.
It's quite simple, really. SHE'S MINE NOW. Hahahahwoofwoofhaha! Suck on that, bipeds!
Sure, sometimes she tries to blog, but I have ways of distracting her. Like, I'll threaten to pee on the floor. (Hey, I'm house-trained and all, so I wouldn't really do that. But humans are very jumpy. Really. Just sniff the carpet for more than 30 seconds and watch how quickly your human drops what it's doing to pay attention to you.) Or I'll keep jumping on her while she's trying to type, occasionally swatting her in the boob with one of my big, meaty paws. Or I'll just do this thing I do with my ears...the one down, one up thing. See it? I don't know why, but that always gets her right in the palm of my paw.
Don't worry, BeckEye's had these blogging lulls before and she always bounces back eventually. So I'm not gonna feel too bad about stealing most of her time right now. Especially since nothing is really going on in the entertainment world. I mean, if she's got 20 minutes to either squeeze in a post about the royal wedding (YAWN) or lay on the floor and scratch my belly, I'm gonna win every time.
P.S. - No, I was not named after the guy from Glee. (Don't be stupid. You know BeckEye's a Jesse St. James girl.) What else would one name an epically awesome, fair-haired warrior?
Yes...they danced Foxtrot to American Woman.
But you'll get an even bigger kick out of their rehearsal visitor...your man John Travolta. It's a funny bit.
sooo cute!
That is all.
Kind of like Paul McDonald without the STDs...
And you didn't even mention Damon Albarn ONCE. I think a coup is in order!