Anyway...since it's Friday afternoon, I imagine everyone already knows that The Durbinator was terminated. There was a lot of crying but as he was being lowered into a vat of molten steel (a fitting death for a metalhead), he gave Haley, Lauren and Scotty a poignant thumbs-up. So, I think he'll be OK.
Now, let's get into the good, bad and ugly of it all, shall we?
The Good
The Idolette duets. Yes, both of them were surprisingly good. All during Scotty and James' performance of Brad Paisley's "Start a Band," I kept wishing they would have done Art Brut's "Formed a Band" instead, for maximum hilarity. As it was, though, they did a decent job. Certainly better than I was expecting. Even more surprising was that Haley and Lauren totally blew them off the stage with their version of Miranda Lambert's "Gunpowder and Lead." I never expected those two to harmonize so well but they really did a great job. But Good Lord, how many country songs are there about women killing abusive husbands/boyfriends/milkmen? It's like every female country singer is vying for a spot on the Lifetime Movie of the Week soundtrack. Won't someone do a song called "Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?" Look, country music writers, I'll even give you a head start: My cute boyfriend took me to his cabin/But Mama said, "He's a dangerous guy"/Made a big mistake when I didn't believe her/And now I'm fighting for my life to-niiiiight. That took me five minutes. Make it happen. And I want royalties.

Jordin Sparks' body. Well, hello Miss Thang! I'm sure some people will still claim that she's fat but some people are just jagoffs.
Steven Tyler's new song/video. I was expecting to hate it but Steven's new song, "It Feels So Good," was super catchy. It sounded a lot like anything by '90s-era Aerosmith with even more of a pop sheen. And, for as progressively watered down as their music has become since the '70s, I still like a lot from the Alicia Silverstone period. Also, his new song is, to use a Simon-ism, 100 million percent better than J.Lo's.
Haley made it to the Top 3! Wow, a month ago this would have been filed under "Bad." But no contestant has improved as much as she has. She's finally stopped just growling at everyone and is really singing. She's definitely got the best voice of the remaining finalists but I think we all (including myself, despite my halfhearted prediction that Lauren would be eliminated) know that Little Miss Alaina winning this thing is inevitable.
The Bad
The Windows 7 ad. Oh, that wasn't an ad? Just a heavily product-oriented montage of the Idolettes Skypeing their families back home? Didn't care.
Enrique Iglesias. Yeah, it's great that he removed the witch mole but he hasn't replaced that void with any talent. (Of course, the Idiot Pit went insane for him.) What was the name of that song he sang again? Something about liking it? I can't remember...did he ever actually sing the title?

James Durbin's elimination. I'm not a HUGE fan of James but I didn't think he should have been the one going home. (Lucky for Same Ol' Scotty that there are plenty of songs about 9/11 available and tons of lonely fortysomething housewives out there who dream of corrupting his donkey-eared ass.) His sing-out of "Maybe I'm Amazed" wasn't all that great but it's understandable considering that he was openly weeping.
The Ugly
The Ford commerical. Duh. It will be in this section 99% of the time. I know it seems like I say this all the time, but this one seemed much worse than many of the others. It must have been because of that dumb Owl City song. Like that isn't horrible enough in its original form.
James Durbin's ego. If anything made me a little happy to see James go, it was his irritating post-elimination comment to Seacrest: "I did so much stuff that's never been done on the show before." Come on, dude. This is American Idol. No one's changing the face of music or TV here. And you're certainly not changing the face of anything by covering 20-year-old metal songs and bringing the Ed Grimley 'do back. You had a good run, kid. You could have left with some grace.
Find more Idol news and recaps at SirLinksaLot.
And you're right about Jordin Sparks. Holy moly. I want her personal trainer. Like now.
The kid had some style but out of the four of them he is clearly the worst "singer." If you're going to shriek like Lambert you'd better have Lambert's chops, is all I'm sayin'.
I kinda like lil' Scotty but now that it makes me a fortysomething housewife with dreams of corrupting his donkey eared ass, maybe I'll have to rethink that. The boy has a great voice though.
I'm rooting for Haley. I think she's got it all over ALL of them.
{Sorry overseas bloggers, there seems to have been a UK invasion here}
To wom.i.am
Really? he Really said that???
Even though I haven't seen this show at all this season, I still hate Scotty. I don't even know how this is possible. But he needs to lose. He'll be fine, he can always open for Toby Keith.