Anyway, since I figured I should probably put something in this space (content over quality—just like AOL), I've created a new feature that will entertain you with the minimum amount of effort on my part! It's called Weekly iPod Wars. Each week, I'll activate my iPod's fancy randomizing application (which some of you crudely refer to as "shuffle play"). The first two songs played will then have to fight it out here on my blog for YOUR affection. You know the drill: two songs enter, one song leaves.
Since I'm still forming how exactly this feature will work, I'm looking for your feedback. Should a winning song get to battle new songs until it's defeated, or should each week feature two new songs? While you think about that, let Battle #1 begin!
Song #1: "So Good To Hear," The Duke Spirit
Song #2: "Savages," Paul Weller
Now, rock the vote. You don't even have to be 18!
Secondly, I'd go with two different songs every week, but hey, up to you and either way, it works!
The other song just made me want to listen to "Handbags and Gladrags."
I like the idea of the winner taking on new components.
And while we're at it, I'm going to suggest we get a voting button option, cause I like them.
Looks like more of you like the idea of the winner going up against a new song. Kind of like Friday Night Videos! Maybe I should change it to a Friday post and call it Friday Night Audios? No...that's way too stupid.
Macy - I'm trying to figure out how to make this fancier, with voting buttons and whatnot. I'm gonna work on it.