Well, despite Glenn Tilbrook's insistence (well, Chris Difford's insistence, technically) that he can't hold on, he can and he did. Hence, Squeeze is the new iPod Wars champion (take that,
Macy!), and as such, they must now go up against...yeah, another British band. OK, so my iPod's proving me a traitor to my own country's music. What are you gonna do about it??

Before deciding how to handle my musical treason, take a minute to vote in this week's battle. I realize that Flesh For Lulu is a bit obscure (although this certainly isn't the first time I've mentioned them) but I hope you'll give them a chance before just voting for Squeeze again. Because, while I love Squeeze, this FFL song is one of my favorites
ever. Don't let that sway your opinion, though, because I say that
a lot. Too much, actually.
Song #1: "I Can't Hold On," SqueezeVS.
Song #2: "Sleeping Dogs," Flesh For Lulu