America's bimbette of the moment has a new single and video out. Well, we can't really call it new because it's a cover of "These Boots are Made for Walking", recorded for the remake of The Dukes of Hazzard...neither of which anyone on this Earth asked for. I've heard all the controversy surrounding the new video, so I had to check it out. And I've learned some things, people. Important things.
1. Willie Nelson is even higher than I thought he was.
2. Having a singing voice that can only be compared to a 6-year old girl eating peanut butter while being strangled is actually sexy.
3. I've been washing my car all wrong. Forget the elbow grease. I really need to put my ass into it.
4. I miss Nancy Sinatra.
5. Hell, I miss Britney Spears.
6. Madonna's cover of "American Pie" is no longer the worst butchering of a classic song in music history.
7. The phrase "can I get a sooey?" will undoubtedly catch on and annoy me even more than "my bad" or "whazzzzzzzuuup".
8. If you're practically begging for a guy to touch your ass, and he does touch your ass, you're still entitled to punch him in the face for doing so. Which brings me to #9....
9. Sluts are people too.
10. Um, I can't really come up with 10. Truth be told, the video wasn't really all that enlightening.
Love the list! Jessica strikes me as the kind of gal who just does whatever everyone tells her because she can't think for herself. My boyfriend believes that her "bimbo" act is just that -- an act. She's not even THAT smart and has to be scripted to do the stupid things that are at least amusing. He might be on to something.
Rock on!
great list.
She killed Berlin's "Take My Breathe Away" from Top Gun. I actually liked that song.
I don't know, thought this was a contest or something.
Hot blog.
You are hilarious.