Why yes, "Eye Boogers" is becoming a recurring topic. Thanks for noticing!
Britney Pops Out Her Kid - It's a boy named Sean. Didn't Brit get the memo that all children of celebrities must have bizarre names? I guess she and the hubby are trying to give the poor kid a break by giving him a normal name. No reason to make his childhood more traumatic than it needs to be. Although he'll probably grow up thinking that his name is actually Yermommasaho. (That's right, sound it out.)
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney Split - Wow, another casualty of the Hollywood marriage-go-round. The only people who are shocked by this still think that Milli Vanilli could really sing. Renee's only explanation for the break-up is one cryptic word: "fraud". What could that mean, I wonder? Fraud is a word generally reserved for identity-theft cases, not divorces. Is his tractor not as sexy as he claimed? Did she find out that no shirt and no shoes really do equal problems? Or was it something a little more common? Renee dear, lots of guys exaggerate about what's going on "down there". But when you get married, you've gotta roll with the punches, honey.
Geena Davis Stars as The President in New Series - Oh sure, like the press wouldn't find out about that little crime spree she went on with Susan Sarandon.
Man Breaks Couch Potato Record - Suresh Joachim now holds the Guinness world record for longest time spent watching TV, at 69 hours and 48 minutes. Immediately following this feat, Joachim also broke the record for biggest ass-sore.
John O'Hurley and Kelly Monaco Ready for Dance-Off - Ah, a good old fashioned dance-off. That's how we always settled disputes back in my day. The dubious "champion" of Dancing with the Stars, Kelly Monaco, will square off once again with runner-up John "Got Robbed" O'Hurley for a final showdown. America once again gets to decide the winner. The public has a history of liking anything second-rate, so I'm predicting Monaco to come out on top once again. However, I'm sure ABC would like nothing better than an O'Hurley victory so they can air a "Best of Three" show later this fall. The concept hasn't been properly milked dry just yet. So, I may have to change my prediction. In other words, I've just covered myself so that regardless of the outcome, I'm right.
50 Cent Disses Brangelina - Fiddy thinks that Brad and Ang are stupid for being so hush-hush about their relationship stating, "If Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were open, they wouldn't have paparazzi following them". Take notice folks. Mark this day in your calendars because this is the only time you will ever see this phrase written on my blog. I agree with Mr. Cent completely. Can't stand the guy, but he's right. The press and some of the more gossip-hungry fans are like little kids. Kids want whatever they can't have. Brad and Angelina just need to come forward and lay it on the line. Then people will lose interest. Remember when Ang was dating Billy Bob Thornton and they happily told the paparazzi that they shagged in the car on the way over to wherever the heck they were? Everyone jotted it down and then backed away slowly. TMI will get the media off your backs pronto.
Britney Pops Out Her Kid - It's a boy named Sean. Didn't Brit get the memo that all children of celebrities must have bizarre names? I guess she and the hubby are trying to give the poor kid a break by giving him a normal name. No reason to make his childhood more traumatic than it needs to be. Although he'll probably grow up thinking that his name is actually Yermommasaho. (That's right, sound it out.)
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney Split - Wow, another casualty of the Hollywood marriage-go-round. The only people who are shocked by this still think that Milli Vanilli could really sing. Renee's only explanation for the break-up is one cryptic word: "fraud". What could that mean, I wonder? Fraud is a word generally reserved for identity-theft cases, not divorces. Is his tractor not as sexy as he claimed? Did she find out that no shirt and no shoes really do equal problems? Or was it something a little more common? Renee dear, lots of guys exaggerate about what's going on "down there". But when you get married, you've gotta roll with the punches, honey.
Geena Davis Stars as The President in New Series - Oh sure, like the press wouldn't find out about that little crime spree she went on with Susan Sarandon.
Man Breaks Couch Potato Record - Suresh Joachim now holds the Guinness world record for longest time spent watching TV, at 69 hours and 48 minutes. Immediately following this feat, Joachim also broke the record for biggest ass-sore.
John O'Hurley and Kelly Monaco Ready for Dance-Off - Ah, a good old fashioned dance-off. That's how we always settled disputes back in my day. The dubious "champion" of Dancing with the Stars, Kelly Monaco, will square off once again with runner-up John "Got Robbed" O'Hurley for a final showdown. America once again gets to decide the winner. The public has a history of liking anything second-rate, so I'm predicting Monaco to come out on top once again. However, I'm sure ABC would like nothing better than an O'Hurley victory so they can air a "Best of Three" show later this fall. The concept hasn't been properly milked dry just yet. So, I may have to change my prediction. In other words, I've just covered myself so that regardless of the outcome, I'm right.
50 Cent Disses Brangelina - Fiddy thinks that Brad and Ang are stupid for being so hush-hush about their relationship stating, "If Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were open, they wouldn't have paparazzi following them". Take notice folks. Mark this day in your calendars because this is the only time you will ever see this phrase written on my blog. I agree with Mr. Cent completely. Can't stand the guy, but he's right. The press and some of the more gossip-hungry fans are like little kids. Kids want whatever they can't have. Brad and Angelina just need to come forward and lay it on the line. Then people will lose interest. Remember when Ang was dating Billy Bob Thornton and they happily told the paparazzi that they shagged in the car on the way over to wherever the heck they were? Everyone jotted it down and then backed away slowly. TMI will get the media off your backs pronto.
Renee is now asking for "privacy during the breakup". I hate to break this to her, but when you do a layout for People announcing your married then change your mind 5 months later...people talk. It's part of being one of those mutli million dollar celebritys. I do feel sad for her but it's silly to act like people aren't going to butt into this, it's a celeb story!!!
Great reporting, Beck!
no milk please
Should have lived together for a year at least first like normal people
Slowly building the relationship in the public also helped Jen from going postal on Brad.
Brangelina Blog