Howard decided to propose on Valentine's Day Eve instead of the actual holiday, just narrowly avoiding a trip to Cliche City. Of course, the rest of his proposal was certainly anything but traditional, making Beth strip down to nothing before even giving her the ring. Then he said the words that would make any gal's heart melt, "I love you. You're everything to me. This is so gay...I'm asking you to spend the rest of your life with me."
The lameness of that proposal aside, I wish Howard and Beth luck. I was amazed that his first marriage lasted so long, and even though he's made a living from being a giant pig, he actually always seemed like a decent guy who's a one-woman man and doesn't screw around. And Beth is a Pittsburgh girl, so if anyone can keep him in line, she can.
Hmm, so Howard Stern can find two wives and I can't even seem to find one date in the biggest city in the country. Happy Valentine's Day to me! I'm not bitter. Just bored. These fake Hallmark holidays make me cringe.
I'll give the marriage five years, probably longer. She definitely knows what she was getting into.
Sugar--I once told my getting- married- for- the- third-when-I-had-not-been-married-even-once-bitch-of-a-sister that she had to STOP--she was using mine up!!
It's not really that way it turned out--I got married at 36 and proved them all wrong
He was faithful to Allison the entire time and they fell out of love...
Even when he was single he never "whored around"
The people who hate him the most are the people who have only read negativce things about him and have never truly listened to him
End of rant
But Edge has it right ... he's a catch b/c of his huge satellite radio $$$ if nothing else.
-- david