In other news, rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan is hoping to follow in Hilton's footsteps by getting locked up with a bunch of hard-ass women. Li-Lo is supposedly into chicks now that she's done every guy in L.A. Sorry, lesbians. There goes your "lower STD rate" bragging rights.
I guess after she's finished with all the women in the US, it'll be time to start locking up your German Shepherds. And possibly your hamsters.
And doesn't Paris know it's tres tacky to wear your own picture on your clothes? That's a major fashion faux pas and an offence worthy of voiding her parole.
Nyuck, nyuck.
get to the bottom of this.
I'll so volunteer.
But I found you. Woot!
You're going in my sidebar because I miss your snarky wit and truly excellent writing.