If you were alive in the '80s, you'll remember The Coreys who starred in many teen movies together - Feldman and Haim. The former was the nerdy-looking kid who morphed into a coked-up Michael Jackson wannabe and the latter was the Tiger Beat-friendly, slack-jawed boy who morphed into a coked-up...uh...coke-head. While Feldman was known for his roles in Stand By Me and The Goonies, and Haim for Lucas and that totally bogus Stephen King werewolf flick, The Coreys' shared path to '80s greatness began with their onscreen pairing in the totally rad vampire flick, The Lost Boys. After that came the sadly underrated License to Drive, which was hilarious in spite of Heather Graham's presence, the horrific Dream a Little Dream, the thankfully unseen by me National Lampoon's Last Resort and the sequel no one asked for, Dream a Little Dream 2. They were best buds on-screen and off who boozily followed each other down that clichéd child-star path to the Land of Unemployed Bitterness.
Both Coreys have been through their shit and now seem bent on finding their celeb status again. Feldog kicked his drug habit, stopped raiding Jacko's wardrobe, hit up all the reality TV shows that would have him and somehow managed to find himself a wife. (If you're wondering who would marry Corey Feldman, please reserve all judgment until you learn a little bit about the Missus.) The Haimster took a bit longer to straighten up, going through a fat-guy-who-lives-with-his-mom phase, before turning clean and sober. Now they are ready for the next phase in their lives - reliving old glory days while whoring themselves out and refusing to grow up. Praise be to the TV Gods!
Now that you're properly caught up, on with the show...
Episode 1, The Reunion - Corey Feldman and his wife, Susie, invite Corey Haim to stay with them for a few weeks. Quickly, we discover that this is meant to be a modern-day "Odd Couple" with Feldog as Mr. Prissy Pants and The Haimster as Mr. Slobby Slacks. We also learn that the neat-freak vs. slob conflict is not the only one going on between the Coreys. Haim reveals that he hasn't been laid since...I dunno...the late '80s, while Feldman blissfully prances around with a neon "WHIPPED" sign above his head.
Cracker of the whip, Susie, is basically a stick figure with a head full of helium and two balloons full of saline. She's also a PETA freak. Feldog is also a PETA freak. I don't know if one influenced the other, but does it really matter? Just two more annoying people in the world who expect me to feel guilty that animal flesh is delicious. Susie invites an even crazier PETA freak over for dinner and, since it's a big deal to her, she immediately starts worrying that the uncouth, carniverous Haim will ruin the whole night. She jibber jabbers to Haim about how eating meat is really "ingesting the bad karma from the animal who suffered" in the creation of that meal. Up until now, I was kind of annoyed by The Haimster's frenetic, childish attitude but now I'm actually starting to feel for the guy for having to put up with such a hostess.
Of course, the vegan of honor just happened to be an attractive woman around The Coreys' age. How nice for the horny Haimster. Susie starts to sweat when Haim blatantly hits on PETA chick, and then just about loses her mind when he has pizza delivered for himself. For some reason, while Haim was flirting out by the hot tub, Susie broke down and sobbed to her husband that his best bud was totally out of line. Oh no! A single meat-eating guy is flirting with a vegan girl! The world is about to cave in! Susie manages to turn nothing into a huge, dramatic scene and she, not The Haimster, ends up being the idiot who makes everyone uncomfortable.
Finally, everyone makes up. Awww.
Episode 2, Lost Boys - The Coreys are invited to the 20th Anniversary screening of The Lost Boys, while Susie's biggest dream comes true via a phone call letting her know that she's been chosen to appear in Stuff magazine. Right away, this causes a problem because the boys are supposed to do a radio station promo for the screening which only Haim shows up for because Feldman has to hold his wife's hand while she talks to the Stuff people about her (lack of) wardrobe choices for the upcoming shoot. The Haimster is pissed. I can't really say I blame him. Feldog is really a little girl. Siamese spouses are the worst.
Turns out, Haim's goal right now is to write a sequel to The Lost Boys with Feldman, even though he clearly has A.D.D. and could never be depended upon to sit down and come up with any kind of cohesive storyline. This is all he talks about up until and during the screening of the film, where The Coreys and Susie meet up with Jamison Newlander, who played the other Frog brother. (I'll bet that if Jamison had changed his name to Corey when The Lost Boys came out, we would all know who he is.) Newlander and Haim are totally into the sequel idea and Feldman kind of plays along, but seems to just be humoring them. The Haimster hands out autographs and takes pics with fans while Feldog sits there and pants over his wife's breasts. Then Susie, who may be a bigger attention whore than both Coreys put together - if that's possible, inexplicably takes a white marker and writes her name on the movie screening poster as if anyone is coming there to see her. Haim just about pops a vein over this and becomes increasingly agitated by Susie's constant presence, as do I. Whipped Corey won't even go out for a night on the town with his friend, Jamison, whom he never sees, because he has to go home and snuggle with Tits McGee. (I'm starting to think that the couple really has been surgically grafted together with some sort of invisible membrane.) Haim's vein pushes further toward its breaking point over this "blow-off", lamenting that marriage has turned his best bud into a dud.
Feldman invites Newlander over for breakfast the next day and I try not to imagine what nastiness vegetarians eat instead of eggs and bacon. They catch up a bit and, after the other Frog brother leaves, the subject of the sequel comes up again. Feldog takes The Haimster into another room and breaks the news to him (and me!) that there already is a sequel in the works. Warner Brothers is making one without them. Well, not quite. Seems that they did ask Feldman to do a cameo, which he turned down because he wouldn't do it without his bud. TPTB never even entertained the thought of putting Haim in the movie. The Haimster openly weeps, realizing that he still has a long way to go to repair his damaged reputation.
All crying ceases when Haim disappears for a walk. Then, the ginormous crew from Stuff shows up, and Feldman can only beam proudly while his scantily-clad wife writhes around on various pieces of furniture. As the couple basks in the afterglow of T&A, The Haimster returns bearing a gift. To make up for the fact that he never bought them a wedding present, and for tracking mud all through the house, he presents them with a Tiffany vase.
Finally, everything is cool. Awwww.
Hey! I wonder what would happen if a smoker and a recent non-smoker lived together? I bet the results would be hilarious! Well, find out next week...on The Two Coreys!
Angela :)
I caught Feldog on Surreal Life when he was on and what a tool he's become (or still is...?). Trainwreck television indeed.
Perhaps they will do a joint 80s reality show with Milli Vanilli, the cast of Growing Pains, and Colin Quinn.
-- david
"Just two more annoying people in the world who expect me to feel guilty that animal flesh is delicious."
Good God, you are so preaching to the choir!
Ah yes, the good old days of the wife from hell driving a wedge between everybody and everything. I don't miss those days one bit.
At this stage, you kind of don't have to hang with the harpies when you do the socializing with other parents around school. The harpies cluster in their corner, though they can still make your life hell by getting on parent committees.
I can still hear the screeching of ******, she even made nails on chalkboard sound sweet.
Hey, email me, please. It's kinda important.
He's an ass in the biggest way, and I have no desire to watch the show. I WILL however, be returning for more recaps as I suspect that they are more entertaining than the show itself.
Thanks for the belated wishes. :D
And what is wrong with this?
Great recap, like others have said it was more than likely better than the show.
I'm with Chelene though. Haim looked like Kirk Cameron, blah, and Feldman still looks just like my cousin which makes him undesirable.
Ang - Susie Feldman would fit right in on Rock of Love.
Dan - There are. Usually there are "Feldman people" or "Haim people." But you seem like more of a Jamison Newlander kind of guy.
Karen - Thanks! You have to see Feldman now. What a Nancy boy. It's disgusting.
David - No. No, we can't move on as a society until we know what the future holds for the Coreys. Like, duh.
Doc - Thanks...for the compliment and for swinging by!
WP - You can't tell them apart? Haim's the one who never closed his mouth. In fact, my brother Dutch always referred to him as "the open-mouthed kid." OH, and nice harpy tangent.
Mark - Oh, you're the one who doesn't like "The Lost Boys," right? Shame on you.
Dodger - They could combine them into "The Two Coreys Hate Their 30s" or "I Hate My 30s Because The Coreys are Back in My Life." Something like that.
Barbara - Occasionally, I like to help the world.
Angell - Yeah, Haim definitely seems like a self-important schmuck.
Alice - Understandable. Especially at 10:00 on a Sunday night. I'm lucky I can muster up interest in anything during that time slot.
Rhet - I should've said "fat-guy-who-lives-OFF-his-mom phase."
Molie - Thank you. Yeah, I was never really a Corey fanatic either...I think even though we're all about the same age, they seemed too young for me or something. I was all about the older dudes, like Jason Patric.
Chelene - No argument here...note reference to Patric above. What an obscenely beautiful man in that movie. It's a shame that he hasn't aged very well. And he's kind of a reclusive weirdo.
Slave - Yeah, but Kirk Cameron turned out to be a good boy who is still married to the same woman. So much for the "being a child star is haaaaarrrrrd" argument.
I've yet to taken in the Coreys program...
Scott - I'll probably still watch Rock of Love, but just with one eye.
Why does the Haimster look like he's about to date rape some poor girl?
at its most embarrassing IS the Two Coreys/wife.
Fergie blows on her own, I much prefer her with the Peas.