Not to be outdone by the Fox network, HBO begins filming its "Real Sex: Are You Smarter Than a Preschooler?" episode today.

Well kids, it was tough, but the winner of this month's Caption Contest is Slave to the Dogs. Congratulations, Slave. I dub thee Firecrotch of the Month! Please make sure your smoke alarms and/or fire extinguishers are in proper working order.

Well kids, it was tough, but the winner of this month's Caption Contest is Slave to the Dogs. Congratulations, Slave. I dub thee Firecrotch of the Month! Please make sure your smoke alarms and/or fire extinguishers are in proper working order.

How about "They stink worse than the bus' exhaust."
Yeah, I know. Lame. I need a cocktail.
Yeah. I've got nothing this time.
Though STTD is a worthy recipient.
She makes a mean valance too!
Apologies for the mess at my place last night, those writers are a wordy lot.
I totally suck at contests, just did that for fun