When I heard that Splotchy was whoring out himself as an interviewer, I pulled right up to the curb with a big wad of blog bucks. Apparently, I had just enough for 5 very pleasurable questions which were just begging to be answered.
1. As a resident of Brooklyn, how often do you find yourself taking in the sights, sounds and smells of Coney Island?
It's only a 20 minute train ride, so I've actually gone to Coney Island several times this summer for various reasons. The main reason is that Coney Island as we know it will be no more after this season, because Astroland is being torn down to make room for a giant resort that no one in the area will be able to afford. The other reason is that I love the combined smell of salt, hot dogs and urine.
2. Can you name a movie that scared the bejeebus out of you?
I don't know if this counts, but I refuse to watch Jaws because I absolutely hate sharks and the idea of being eaten by one makes me want to vomit. As far as traditionally "scary" flicks go, a lot of stupid movies scared me when I was a kid. I particularly remember being scared to death after seeing Amityville Horror II, because the demon talked to a kid through his headphones. I remember not wanting to use my headphones anymore after that. Since I've grown up though, I'm a bit harder to scare and movies today seem to favor style and effects over substance. The last movie that actually kind of creeped me out was White Noise, but I still didn't lose any sleep over it. I find that Discovery program, A Haunting much scarier than most of the wannabe horror flicks.
3. While perusing your archives, I was genuinely shocked to learn character actor Stephen Geoffreys worked in gay porn films. So... there's Screech from Saved By The Bell, and there's that kid who licked the frozen pole in Christmas Story, and now Stephen Geoffreys dabbling in the erotic arts... Seeing as you are a pop culture expert, please wager a guess as to what actor will next make the leap to "adult" entertainment.

4. I gather that you lived in Pittsburgh, PA for a spell, then picked up stakes to move to New Yawk. What is something you miss about Pittsburgh (excluding friends and family)? What is something you are glad to leave behind?
If by "a spell," you mean "all my life," then you gathered correctly. Pittsburgh was and always will be my home. I definitely miss being in a city of a smaller size. New York City can really turn one into a misanthrope. I also miss how the whole town seems to bond during football season. Go Steelers! What I don't miss is the horrible singles scene. Not that it's been any better here. I'm beginning to think that men are allergic to me. Oh, except for Glenn Tilbrook. 'Cause he hugged me, y'know. Are you paying attention, Beth?? Mwaah ha ha.
5. If some Hollywood types handed you a big bag of money and said, "Beckeye, we want you to make a kickass reality show." What show would you propose?

Thanks for the good time, Splotchy!
To the rest of you - if you want an interview with or from me, just say the word. I promise not to be offended if you head to Splotchy's corner instead.
Technorati tags: Splotchy, interview, Teach your children well, for they are our future porn stars
Other than you messin' with my man, you sound like an interesting chick.
There's nothing more terrifying than seeing a horror movie as a child. I remember seeing Phantasm. Holy crap.
I hope Lipnicki heads for the higher ground of infommercials.
I didn't know Haley Joel Osment was having problems! You are full of information which causes me great distress! Won't someone think of the former children actors?!!
I've been to Coney Island once, and it was a wonderful, delightful time. I had a great time on some bumper cars. I'm sorry that it's going away -- I didn't realize.
There is a Gay Porn video with this very title.
salt, hot dogs and urine...Girl, are you trying to get me all hot and bothered....?
As a kid, Mr. Sardonikis absolutely put the fear of everything into me, even appearing in my dreams for many nights...The first nightmare was pretty scary
Ummm no comments on the porno stars, though i did not know the kid from Christmas Story who licked the pole had become one...though thinking about it, he wanted to lick that pole, didn't he?
Allergic to YOU? OH girl, that can not be true....I mean...well... as far as i am concerned... well...you did mention salt, hot dogs and urine...and WOO HOOO
And you are damn pretty
Raises hand...can i play on the Bus??? will you be on the buss too???????
OK, lol... now you are afraid of me for sure/....
I think "the hobbit on the left" is the boy from "Spy Kids."
Umm - I wanna play on the bus too!!!