Let's start with the highly anticipated opening performance by Britney. I'm not sure I can even express my thoughts on that display in a coherent manner. First of all, the first thing all the viewers saw was a nice tight shot of her horrible weave. Secondly, Brit's wardrobe choice was much less inspired than any of my suggestions from yesterday's poll. I mean, a sparkly bra and panty set with knee-high boots? That's like business-casual these days. If we can't count on Britney to bring the smut, who can we count on? And hey, I give the girl props for working out, but her body is not back to bra and panty-parading shape just yet.
Brit's bland appearance should have tipped everyone off to the mind-numbing performance that was to follow. I seriously just sat there with my mouth hanging open, occasionally uttering the only words that would come...Is this for real? Is this the rehearsal?? I can't even describe the complete lack of energy that was coming from that VMA stage tonight. Brit's dancing can only be categorized as lackadaisical, at best. MTV could have called me up a minute before the show started and asked me to fill in and I could have done a better job. My roommate was convinced that she was high and/or injured, which are both reasonable assumptions. Her lip synching didn't even seem to be in synch! That "performance" seriously looked like an outtake from the first day of rehearsals on Making the Band. Brit didn't even give me anything to make fun of...there was absolutely nothing there. The most entertaining part of the performance was seeing the befuddled expressions on some of the audience members' faces.
Oh, and where the hell were all the Mindfreak-y special effects that were promised? There were some mildly interesting graphics on a big screen and stripper poles installed on a few tables in the audience. That was it. Was the performance supposed to represent a strip-club party? If I were a stripper, I'd be pretty damn insulted.
Before my shock and disbelief had a chance to wear off, out came Sarah Silverman to give what was, quite possibly, the worst monologue on any show, anywhere, ever. This actually kind of pleased me because I've always seen this chick for the hack that she is and it boggles my mind that she has a career or fans. Watching her die a slow death on the stage was mildly satisfying, but I'm sure as long as she keeps banging that other hack, Jimmy Kimmel, she will still get to pretend to be a professional comedian on many more crappy TV shows to come.
I'm only half-watching the show now and, oh, there's Beyonce with her boobs about to pop out. And there's that turd, Adam Levine trying to look all hard. I'm flipping over to VH-1 now for Rock of Love. That that train-wreck is the preferable alternative really says something. If MTV has any advertisers left after tonight, I'll be amazed.
I would imagine it would have done her career a heap of good if she actually came out fully and tastefully clothed and tried to put on a decent dance show. It only goes to show that the bad publicity she's gotten that has made her look more and more like a trailer ho gone pro, she must approve of. Remember the good old days when Madonna was the trashiest thing around, and even she seemed to have some self respect? *Sigh* ...Memories...
Great review as always.
I am surprised Mtv even gave her airtime, she's not been anything but a tabloid headliner for how long now?
Hee hee.
I caught a clip & I actually felt bad for her. It was awful.
BTW I agree about Silver-Steen-Blatt being a hack. I have nothing against shocking dialog... when it's funny! She always forgets that part.
I watched the Britney debacle and couldn't stay tuned for anything else. Every so often I flipped back, got appalled by some Fall Out Boy somethingorother and change the channel again. Yikes.
Does anyone else find it ironic that a channel that hardly shows music videos still has a video music awards show?
As for the weight thing: a lot of Americans (probably 80%) are 80% fatter than that. I'm not saying it's a good wardrobe choice, but we can't all hide our shame with Costco-sized potato sacks.
Thrilled someone fonally said it!!
I agree about Sarah, too.
I read that the VMA producers said they couldn't do the illusions that Britney had planned, so at the last minute they had to choreograph a new number and Brit was none too pleased.