Since Britney's past VMA appearances have been nothing short of ass-tacular, everyone is wondering what she has in store this year. How can she top the sparkly flesh suit? The disgusting display of beastiality with that poor snake? The disgusting display of beastiality with Madonna? What do she and "collaborator," Criss Angel, have up their sleeves? All I know so far is that it's going to be something with a bunch of Mindfreaky smoke and mirrors, which, I guess, will make the lip synching less obvious.
The biggest question on everyone's minds is what will Britney be wearing?? I have a few ideas, but I thought I'd put it to y'all to help me figure it out. So, without further ado, here is the first-ever Pop Eye poll! (And when you're done with that, don't forget to get in on the Britney caption contest!)
If you're one of those people who always votes "other," feel free to other your little heart out in my comments.
By the way, Blogger must hate Mac users, because I can't use the poll function that I've seen other people use. I had to go to an outside source. This poll is brought to you by Quibblo, the number 2 and the letters V and D.
And hey-I found a guy who's obviously as big of a Smithereens fan as you and I. He's an artist named Frank Royster and I am using his song "I'm So Glad" as my opener tonight.
I voted for number 2 :)
Was that a totally boring display or what?! I did like the part where it looked like the dancers were supposed to hoist her up and couldn't.