To celebrate National Feel Your Boobies Week, this week's clips come from the lovely Olivia Newton-John. Not only was ONJ my childhood idol, but she is a breast cancer survivor!
I'm taking you back to Olivia's transitional and pre-physical. It was 1979, she was Totally Hot and looking for "A Little More Love."
There are two videos below, but they are both for the same song. The top one seems to be the "official" video and shows ONJ in the studio and on photo shoots for the Totally Hot album. I only remembered this vaguely. The second video is one that I recognized immediately. Even though it could pass for an official video, it's obviously a lip-synched performance from an unidentified TV program. I remember the outfit that she's wearing VIVIDLY. I was just in awe of how well Olivia rocked the matching headband that shone through the Markie Post hairdo.
ALML - Version 1
ALML - Version 2
I'm taking you back to Olivia's transitional and pre-physical. It was 1979, she was Totally Hot and looking for "A Little More Love."
There are two videos below, but they are both for the same song. The top one seems to be the "official" video and shows ONJ in the studio and on photo shoots for the Totally Hot album. I only remembered this vaguely. The second video is one that I recognized immediately. Even though it could pass for an official video, it's obviously a lip-synched performance from an unidentified TV program. I remember the outfit that she's wearing VIVIDLY. I was just in awe of how well Olivia rocked the matching headband that shone through the Markie Post hairdo.
ALML - Version 1
ALML - Version 2
Her hair was nice though! ... See? I'm always looking for the good in others. :)
Of the two videos, I liked the 2nd one the best. ONJ was looking mighty hot in that one. I believe the clip is from her 1982 TV special "Olivia Newton-John: Let's Get Physical". By the way, that keyboardist looked like he was on something... or coming off of it.
teeth whitener
This happens to be my favorite Newton-John song, but I've always had a hard time looking at her, for whatever odd reason. Still, it was fun to play the video, and scroll away from both images to listen.
(kinda reminds me of Courtney Cox)
Anyway; I think a video of you feeling your own boobies, would be helpful to those of us still not clear about the process.
And Olivia is hawt.
Zed - You are probably the only person I've ever heard question her singing ability. I may have to run you over with my rollerskates.
Malcolm - The guy who posted the 2nd video to YouTube said that the keyboardist looked like Jeff Foxworthy dressed like Simon LeBon, coked out of his mind. Pretty accurate, I think! Well, Simon had a bit better fashion sense.
Moxie - I'd probably seen that special too, I just don't remember it that well. I do remember that video though, and the outfit especially.
Anonymous - ONJ's teeth are white enough, methinks.
Bond - I'll bet!
X.Dell - She's beautiful! You and Bubs need some kind of support group or something.
Twit - I guess I can see the Courteney Cox resemblance. I'll try to get that boobie-feeling video posted soon.
Travis - I thank you and ONJ thanks you.
Dale - It is quite hilarious. The headphones go on and -boom- she starts singing.
Pistols - She just wants to make sure you're relaxed before she gets all physical on you.