Paula tried to make Brooke feel better for missing her sister's wedding by dressing up like a table centerpiece. She's so sweet.
Ryan enjoyed his game of Red Rover with Melinda Doolittle so much last year, that he decided to announce tonight's results in the exact same way. Castro went to the left. David Cook went to the right. Carly went to the left. Kristy Lee went to the right. Carly and KLC both took shots at Simon - the former whined that he's been too hard on her while the latter put her thoughts more poetically by simply calling him "a butt."
Fauxhawky McGee took a break from all the resultin' to introduce the latest Ford commercial. Can someone please tell me what the hell Queen ever did to this show? Did Freddie Mercury rebuff Nigel Lythgoe's advances once upon a time? It seems that AI won't stop until every Queen song is destroyed, and I guess they experienced some setbacks when my beloved Michael Johns expertly covered both "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions." On the hit list this week was one of my faves, "I Want To Break Free," which served as the soundtrack to the ridiculous car ad that featured the Idols as - get this - puppets. Well, who said there's no truth in advertising?
With every passing moment of this show, I became more and more happy that Michael broke free of this mess.
Elliott Yamin stopped by to sing a new song. It was pretty good. I always thought he had a good voice and seemed like a nice guy, but he was just kind of boring when he was on AI. He had a message written on his palm, but it was much more meaningful than David Cook's scribbling last week. It said "We miss you Mom" - a tribute to Elliott's mother who passed away recently.
Ryan followed that poignant moment by continuing the long, drawn-out process of separating the bad eggs from the good ones. Syesha was sent to the group on the left, and Brooke (wearing another of Kristy's sparkly tops) headed to the right.
David Archuleta just stood backstage and pretended like he didn't know what was going to happen next. And, just who did Little Lord Archuleroy think he was wearing that red leather jacket and distressed, printed tee? Who let him raid Michael's wardrobe? Did he have exact duplicates made of some Michael pieces, or did he spend the million dollars to have those big, brawny, rugged man clothes altered to fit his puny pubescent frame?
After yet another commercial, the groups were split up just long enough to do another painful call-in viewer Q&A session. Some of the important revelations:
- Kristy Lee can't get her horse back. Sad.
- There is such a thing as a National Record Store Day. No matter that there really are no record stores left.
- Paula is not forever Simon's girl, nor is Simon "straight up" for Paula.
- Simon clearly hates these Q&A segments. Mostly because 80% of the general public are idiots.
- David Cook is single. Let the Red/Falwless catfight begin!
After Mariah said "bye bye" for real, it was back to the results. Little David was the last boy standing. In accordance with the prophecy, Archuleta was safe.
Ryan amused himself by making Syesha and David Cook switch groups, as if to say, "Whoooo! You thought you knew what was going down, America! Now what?"
Group A was Syesha, Kristy Lee and Brooke. Group B was David C, Carly and Jason. Ryan asked David A to pick which side he thought was safe and he sat down in the middle of the stage. It was déjà vu all over again.
It came as no surprise that Group A was the Bottom 3. It was slightly surprising that Syesha was saved first, leaving Brooke and KLC on the chopping block. Babbling Brooke lived up to her name as the flood gates opened and all of her jibber-jabber started pouring out of her head. When Ryan asked Simon who he thought would go home, he answered "Kristy," to which Brooke sulkily responded, "Hey! She's my friend!" Simon's response? "Well, swap places." That sure turned Babbling Brooke into Lake Placid.
Turned out, old Si was right. Despite the valiant attempts of Vote For the Worst, rednecks, and Mr. Ed, Kristy Lee Cook was given the boot. During her final song, she made one last pass at Simon, got the eye roll, then bucked the trend of contestants singing better on their elimination night by sucking something fierce.
Something tells me that KLC won't experience quite the same media blitz that Michael Johns has been on since his ouster. Prediction: We'll see her again on the news when she tries to steal her old horse from the mean guy who refused to sell it back.
Darn, my whole plan to root for Kristy and make the season interesting is down the drain or out of the corral.
Seems like Dialidol.com isn't working very well at all this year.
Now I'm glad.
Thanks for doing the dirty work, BeckEye.
But good news about KLC.
Next week: The Tower of Babel
It's the only reason I can think of that she stayed around this long.
I love Mariah's final advice for the rest of the pack - be you... Wow, kind of rivals the Gettysburg address, doesn't it?
All in all, it was an awful show.
Did you notice that Ryan got on the wrong side of Mariah and tried to force her to show the left side of her face? I think he did it on purpose. She would only briefly turn towards him, and that was with her hair covering her face.
And They did that split in two groups back in season 5 and Taylor stayed in the middle and refused to move...
I wanted to smack Brooke when she was scolding Simon and even Kristy Lee. That lady needs a massage or something.
"I love Mariah's final advice for the rest of the pack - be you... Wow, kind of rivals the Gettysburg address, doesn't it?"
Now I wish I'd seen it!
I need to re-evaluate my priorities and my path in life.
Glad to see you're sticking with the recaps dude. You make AI actually bearable. Which is saying something.
Thank carrots the Malaysian version of Idol was cancelled ages ago. That was a nightmare within a nightmare.
Chancelucky - Simon would never be mean to me!
GT - Someone's gotta do it.
Bluez - Probably. Gotta be her or Syesha. Or Carly.
Skylersdad - Oh, I thought she said "DO you." And she was looking at Jason when she said it.
Cube - Yeah, without Michael it's just like a hamburger without the hamb or the urger.
CDP - I like Elliot more now that he has longer hair. But he kind of looks like a hobbit. Nice voice though.
Cleo - Oh, thank you. I would've cried for days if no one had mentioned it. I'm loving the Photoshop.
Elaine - I was trying to think of this other catalog that I used to get...I'd swear it had "USA" or "America" in the title, and it was all slutty clothes. I'm sure Mariah would know. And yeah, I did notice her straining to get Ryan on her "good side."
Bond - Bitter? Me? NEVER!
Mathdude - Our theme song this year will be "Two out of Three Ain't Bad."
Red - Brooke's mother hen schtick is getting super old.
Suze - Crying because you felt bad for them, because it was so right on, or because you were actually watching the show?
BAP - It's easier to watch now that I have my Michael shrine.
I Tivo'd this week and scanned through it before work yesterday because I wanted to see who went home. Elliot was great, Mariah got the fwd treatment as did everything else besides the results.
Thank the good Lord above KLC is gone - and I hope Syesha is next.
Keep up the recaps - they're the only thing keeping me sane this season.
It really takes so little. And I'm so glad you finally got photoshop. Okay, I'll be back after I read. See you in a minute.
"In accordance with the prophecy, Archuleta was safe."
You bring teh funny always.