Ok...a double polar burger with everything and a cherry soda with chocolate ice cream is...$15.00?? What year is this??

Can you believe that Grease premiered 30 years ago today?
And, can you believe that a better movie has yet to be made?
It's interesting...knowing that this film has been around for three decades makes me feel pretty old, but watching it immediately makes me feel like a wide-eyed kid. From 5 to 35, this movie has been my most consistent source of instant joy.
Oh, Grease. You and I...we just go together. Like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong. And we always will. I can only hope to still be doing the hand jive 30 years from now.
I'm totally with you about it's awesomeness. I caught the end of Hairspray again this weekend on HBO and thought, "Man, John's just not that same as the good ol' Greese days."
One of my faves.
Yep, I am one nerdy girlie.
It also hurt me to see the Broadway cast singing Grease is the Word last night on the Tony Awards.
So whatever happened to that guy from Taxi?
But I need to know. Patty. Was she from Grease.
Mike - If they had something like that here where you act it out as the movie plays, I would totally do that. I could be any character.
Beth - How is that nerdy? That's NORMAL!
Dr. Zibbs - Well that's cool baby. Rockin' and rollin' and what not.
Evil-E - Okay, now that's nerdy. :)
Dale - "Sandy" is my favorite song from the movie.
Chancelucky - Good thing you have smart kids.
Kristi - Yeah, Kenickie was on Celebrity Rehab but he checked out early. Something about how he had a back injury and he HAD to take medication for his back, so he thought it was unfair to be in rehab around other people while he was taking pills. I think you need to stop taking pills too. You must be if you seriously like Grease 2. ;)
GT - Ummmm, yes! Patty Simcox! The bad seed of Rydell...HI!
And yet, I still like you!
I've never had more fun in all my life.
Sounds like Pistols would have joined in on our fun that night.
A remarkably shitty movie and soundtrack.
You're lucky you've got your previous H.O.T.S. reference to cover this abomination.
I wanted to be Sandra D so bad when I was a kid and I always thought Sandy in black was too slutty...and how can you not love the ridiculous ending?