After scaring all of my tuff male readers off last week with that Leo Sayer madness, I've decided to try to win them back with a little bit of ugly boy rock. Break out your air guitars, dudes, and rock out with your you-know-whats out to "Little Suzi," from Tesla's 1986 debut, Mechanical Resonance.
I don't think that Tesla ever got the appreciation that they deserved. They were sort of lumped in with all the slick hair metal bands of the time, but their music was much more rooted in classic rock and their "regular guys" image reflected that. It's unfortunate for them that they were trying to make a go of it in the MTV age because, well, look at poster-boys of rock at the time. Jon Bon Jovi. Vince Neil. Kip Winger. White Lion's Mike Tramp. Now take a peek at good ol' Jeff Keith here. That's definitely a face for radio. The whole band, quite a real motley crew (with the possible exception of guitarist Tommy Skeoch), made it as far as radio could take them. But in the '80s, videos were the music industry's driving force, and Tesla would always take a backseat to the pretty boys.
Those of you who diss this selection can suck it. Tesla 4-evah!!

Mullet Man sez...
Don't forget to take the video quiz, dudes! Scroll down and rock on!
I don't think that Tesla ever got the appreciation that they deserved. They were sort of lumped in with all the slick hair metal bands of the time, but their music was much more rooted in classic rock and their "regular guys" image reflected that. It's unfortunate for them that they were trying to make a go of it in the MTV age because, well, look at poster-boys of rock at the time. Jon Bon Jovi. Vince Neil. Kip Winger. White Lion's Mike Tramp. Now take a peek at good ol' Jeff Keith here. That's definitely a face for radio. The whole band, quite a real motley crew (with the possible exception of guitarist Tommy Skeoch), made it as far as radio could take them. But in the '80s, videos were the music industry's driving force, and Tesla would always take a backseat to the pretty boys.
Those of you who diss this selection can suck it. Tesla 4-evah!!

Mullet Man sez...
Don't forget to take the video quiz, dudes! Scroll down and rock on!
Put "hella" in a sentence and I will dub thee an Honorary Northern Californian.
PLEASE no more Leo Sayer...