As Homer Simpson would say, it's funny 'cause it's true.

PETA nut Pamela Anderson obviously wasn't too happy about the "Real Girls Eat Meat" t-shirt that Jessica Simpson has been sporting lately, as she recently described Jess as a "bitch and a whore."
If Jessica wasn't aware of her own whoreishness before, she must be now. I mean, if Pamela Anderson calls you a whore, woman, you're a whore. I can't imagine a worse insult...except for maybe having Amy Winehouse call you a toothless crack-head.

PETA nut Pamela Anderson obviously wasn't too happy about the "Real Girls Eat Meat" t-shirt that Jessica Simpson has been sporting lately, as she recently described Jess as a "bitch and a whore."

No animals were hurt in the creation of the gigantic titteriness that is Pamela PETA Anderson!
Seriously (you mean that was NOTserious???)- I get the PETA thing, but I hate the f**cking axe grinding.
Let he who is without any animal by-products throw the first hunk o' beef and all that.
No one is perfect.
Except maybe you Beckeye, but that is it.
uh, yeah...don't answer that. Never mind.
Oh yeah, I went there.
Why not "You cow-eating silicon bimbo!"
wouldn't that make a t-shirt to show off those inflated boobs