You know, I have never read a Nicholas Sparks book or seen any of the movie versions of said books, but I hate this guy with the heat of a thousand clichéd, passionate, doomed love affairs. Girls like Britney and Paris, who are only famous for sex kittenry, actually piss me off less than this guy. I suppose it's because I'm a writer and not a whore that his fame offends me so. He's like the Zoolander of authors. The man has only one book, for Christ's sake! Blue Steel? A Walk to Remember? The Notebook? Message in a Bottle? They're all the same thing! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
I invented the piano key necktie!
Oh, Christ, even I can't pretend I don't hate this guy just based on the people who liked The Notebook. It's authors like this that make me question my anti-book burning stance.
And no, I haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books, but like Two and a Half Men, I just know I hate it.
Whenever a patron approaches me at work and they're all whiny and annoying, don't know what they want, have half a dozen kids they don't pay attention to, and they want me to recommend something, I give them Nicholas Sparks. To me, this is a punishment, but given how popular he is, I'm starting to wonder if the world is this dumb and easily placated or if we're all just trying to inflict more punishment on other people.
PS - love your new 'Kira' pic!
Apparently, she had a circus this weekend with the Nights of Rodanthe. I was upset when I learned that they misspelled knights, and then my interest waned. Quickly.
Also, sorry about the Steelers. If I was still following a team in the NFL, they would have lost for the first time this weekend, too. At the hands of Tony Romo, no less. *pukes a little just saying that*
Yet he keeps writing because people keep reading. Somehow he still has an audience. I blame Oprah.