"Put your hands all over me you damn dirty ape!"

Good Lord, could it be? Doc has finally won a Firecrotch of the Month award?? Yes indeedy doo, and I swear to Ben Roethlisberger that I didn't just give it to him so he'd stop whining about the unfairness of it all. He actually earned it. He must have figured out that not only do I love stupid puns, but I love re-worked movie quotes!

To be brutally honest with you people, I didn't find the rest of the entries very funny. It's like you weren't even trying. Even that win-everything-big-shot, Pistols. What the eff?? This is no way to treat mama on the cusp of American Idol season, just as I'm about to transform this shitty little blog into The Greatest Recapalooza on Earth. To get the brilliance you expect, you've gotta give a little in return. Idol gives back. Why can't you?
Out of obligation, I still chose two runners up:
New Hollywood Zoo To Feature Monkeys, Anteaters - Deadspot
(It's funny 'cause it's true. Paris most certainly does have anteater DNA.)
Paris Hilton's crabs are getting so big, they're starting to look like giant monkeys. - Some Guy
(It's funny 'cause it's so stupid. Kind of like a New York Daily News headline.)
Sorry to be so hard on you people, but I expect more from you. Also, I'm doing my part to fill the void of ridicule and degradation in your lives since Falwless left you for Facebook. I know it's not much, but I'm trying.

To be brutally honest with you people, I didn't find the rest of the entries very funny. It's like you weren't even trying. Even that win-everything-big-shot, Pistols. What the eff?? This is no way to treat mama on the cusp of American Idol season, just as I'm about to transform this shitty little blog into The Greatest Recapalooza on Earth. To get the brilliance you expect, you've gotta give a little in return. Idol gives back. Why can't you?
Out of obligation, I still chose two runners up:
New Hollywood Zoo To Feature Monkeys, Anteaters - Deadspot
(It's funny 'cause it's true. Paris most certainly does have anteater DNA.)
Paris Hilton's crabs are getting so big, they're starting to look like giant monkeys. - Some Guy
(It's funny 'cause it's so stupid. Kind of like a New York Daily News headline.)
Sorry to be so hard on you people, but I expect more from you. Also, I'm doing my part to fill the void of ridicule and degradation in your lives since Falwless left you for Facebook. I know it's not much, but I'm trying.
Oh, that's Paris. My bad.
"Why do more people know who this friggin monkey is than me???"
"You've got a hairy back, but I'll do you anyway."
"Wanna play hide the banana?"
"Put your hands all over me you damn dirty ape!"
"Can you introduce me to Donkey Kong? I hear he has a huge wang!"
"I'm a virgin, so be gentle..."
"With a nose like that I bet you could do a lot of blow."
"Do you have a red ass? I do."
"If that's Micheal Jackson in that suit, I'm leaving!"
I really came over here to discuss tomorrow..I can't wait.
Plus, I still like the idea that Paris Hilton has something worse than AIDS to give the animal kingdom.