Ryan keeps referring to the possibly "shocking" results tonight, which probably means that one of the judges' favorites will end up in the Bottom 3 so that they can dangle the "save" carrot in front of them, just to yoink it away. Ryan can keep talking about that "save" all he wants, but the judges will NOT use it until they get down to the Top 6 or 7, and only on Danny or Adam. Or maybe Lil.
This week's group sing is Travis Tritt's "T-R-O-U-B-L-E," and, thankfully, they let Scott just sit and play the piano instead of making him dance around like a Longhorn Steakhouse waiter. All I can say about this performance is that I smell G-A-R-B-A-G-E. Ugh. And these contestants are the worst lip synchers EVER.
The Ford commercial sucks even more than most tonight. The kids are all having a water balloon fight while destroying OK Go's "Here It Goes Again." I feel like I'm watching a commercial for one of those horrible Kidz Bop compilations.
There must be something wrong with my cable, because I don't think I'm watching AI anymore. This must be a Lifetime movie...or maybe an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Or maybe it's the religious channel. There is a video showing all of the contestants having a love-in behind the scenes after last week's elimination. Then, Michael Sarver talks about how hard it is for him to be away from his family, and shares that his daughter asked him recently, "Daddy, why don't you want to be with me anymore?" while choking back sobs. Awwwww. And let's all cry for Megan because she has the flu! She is such a trooper!

Danny, Lil, and Anoop are each called and all three are safe. Allison and Michael are asked to stand up together, and Ryan asks Paula which of the two should be in the Bottom 3. After much hemming and hawing, and many declarations that NO ONE should go (I guess she forgot the point of the show again), she says that "based on their critiques last night," it should be Allison. What the what?? Doesn't she remember that they gave Allison good comments last night, and Michael got a mostly lukewarm reception? Turns out, she's right, and Allison inexplicably heads for the Bottom 3. But then Michael is made to stand back up and Ryan tells him he's on the chopping block, too. Oh, that Ryan. So sneaky.
Brad Paisley (aka A Country Guy Who is NOT Dierks Bentley) performs. I go make spaghetti.
Scott, Megan, Giraud, and Kris are all safe. I guess Megan's constant fake coughing last night really won people over.

Ryan lets one of the bottom dwellers off the hook, and it's Allison. As it should be. Ryan brings up the "Judges' Save" for the umpteenth time, and they say that they would consider saving one of the two left.

1. Carrie's hair configuration is WEIRD. It's like some sort of poodle helmet.
2. For a duet, Randy isn't getting much mic time.
3. These two don't really sound very good together.
4. Neither one of them is Dierks Bentley, so I don't really give a damn. I have some noodles that need straining. (And no, that's not a Kara-style double entendre.)
Back to Sarver and Alexis. Sarver is proclaimed safe. The judges say that Alexis is the one that they were thinking about saving, so it will come down to her performance tonight.
Apparently, Alexis doesn't perform well under pressure because the song is tuneless and awful, and she's clearly trying to keep from crying in several spots. The most ridiculous part? The judges all huddled around by Paula's chair, pretending to discuss whether or not to keep her. THAT was comedy, folks. I mean, if you still don't think that the judges and producers have this season pretty much mapped out, then you probably believe that Bret Michaels is truly looking for love on his tour bus.
Unsurprisingly, Simon tells Alexis that she was "good, but not good enough." They don't save her. Cue the Alexis video package and the horrible Mötley Crüe cover.

So, in conclusion...
AI, don't ever have another country night without Dierks Bentley. I implore you.
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And, God, this season bites! Yikes!
I am soo with Words here; WFT are Megan and Scott and Sarver still doing there?
Sob stories, gorgeousness,and burly likability with bad vocals do not and Idol make.
TV ratings? Yeah-but isn't that what counts here?
I love Madam Glam-she rocks da house!
I'm not crying over Alexis going home, but I, too, agree that Sarver, Blindy McSucksuck and Megan should have been boored way before her.
I cannot stand another week of those three.
And for all those saying this is a terrible season I have to disagree. I think there is some really good competition this year and I'm more into this season than I have been the last couple.
Can't y'all look at her family for crying out loud, Salvadoran descent.
You nailed Carrie's hair as a "configuration" I had no clue what to call it.
You're getting some mad PhotoShop skillz!!
I was too was very Tyra unsympathetic about Megan. Loved how they said "flu" about 20 times.
BTW your Photoshopability is getting better. So much so that my youngest saw your photo with Cabaret Adam and she squealed, "She met him?" until I burst her bubble and told her no, Beckeye photoshops herself with everybody who's anybody.