Kevin Bacon in the house! The Six Degrees of Bacon game just got that much easier.
The Ford commercials keep getting worse and worse. This week's is set to Matthew Wilder's "Break My Stride," otherwise known as "One of the Top 10 Things From the '80s I Wish I Could Go Back in Time and Destroy."
Alicia Keys comes out to talk about Idol Gives Back and receives a standing ovation like she's Michelle Obama or something. Then, she introduces a young dude named Noah from Rwanda who sings "I'm the World's Greatest" while dancing spastically. (I think we've figured out who Danny's been stealing his moves from all this time.) I guess this is supposed to be one of those uplifting Idol moments, and I really wanted to like this, but I didn't. I guess that makes me evil. Whatever.

Oh, come on people, I'm not ripping on her weight like everyone else does. I think she looks just fine. But there's no denying that booty. Even Lil Rounds would be impressed with that thing. It's a force to be reckoned with. I don't think any of us were ready for that jelly.
The Glam One also spent some time with his childhood theater group, MET2, and he was really good with the kids, who all seemed in awe of him. Adam truly does seem like a sweet guy and, even though I've heard some people claim that he's insincere, I seriously doubt that he can be faking that personality all the time. Obviously, I don't know him, but he's always come off as completely genuine to me. Except for maybe last night, when he said he was honored to share the stage with Hokey. That had to be bullshit, right?
All the former contestants are in the audience, and even Scott MacIntyre's cute brother is there! But where is my girl, Tatiana? Bummer, I don't see her. But hey, there's Megan! Hi, Megan! Caw! CAW!!
Seacrest sits with the three finalists and gets set to introduce Katy Perry. As Danny is sitting there looking like his fake smile is just about to fade, Ryan says that Danny whispered to him during the break that he just wants to get the show over with. Douche Bigelow complains that it's enough already with the commercials and all the "playing around," and he wishes they could just get to it. Just as quickly as Smuggie brought the mood down, Glambert brings it back up by excitedly squealing, "I wanna see KATY PERRY!!" Kris cracks up, while Danny smart-assedly replies, "Yeah, that too." Boy, he sucks.

Like all Katy Perry songs, "Waking Up in Vegas" is very stupid. However, unlike some of her others, I don't see this one EVER growing on me. But then, "

Well, Gokey can quit griping now, as it's time for the results.
Seacrest announces that the first person going on to the Finale is...Kris!! Shock! Awe!
I actually am a bit shocked, because I immediately fear that they are going to pull a Melinda Doolittle here to generate lots of controversy and watercooler freak-outs. As I wince in anticipation of Idol's most egregious error since booting Michael Johns, it's announced that...
GOKEY! You're going home, beeeyotch!!!
He wanted the results, and he got them. Yes, Smuggie, the judges may give you a tongue bath every week, but America hates you. But don't feel bad. You'll always have Jamar.
Seacrest cues up Danny's farewell package, while Danny keeps that fake smile plastered on. It's obvious that he's pissed. He can't believe it. I won't be surprised if he goes all Al Gore in a few days and demands a recount. I can't wait for his follow-up interviews in which he will try not to sound like a sore loser and fail miserably.
You know, I usually always feel at least a twinge of sadness for each person who gets voted off, even if I'm not a fan. But I don't feel the least bit bad for this guy. He didn't deserve to get this far. The only one crying is Paula, and it's probably just because her cup is empty.

And that's almost all, folks! Next week is the big sword fight, and we'll find out just who has the biggest ding-dong. We'll also find out if the new Idol single is as bad or worse than all the others. Apparently, the songwriting contest was canceled for this year (I guess they're finally done stealing my idea) and rumor has it that Kara could be writing it. God help us all.
More video clips available at MJ's Big Blog.
Find more Idol news and recaps at SirLinksalot.
It wasn't pretty.
Then I said to myself "I bet BeckEye has posted a Get Lost Smuggie tribute already" and yes ma'am, you had!! This is why I love you. :-)
Whoo Hoo! I haven't even watched it yet, but I was working on something when my daughter came into the room to announce that results and that she had been DYING over it. (she's a Glam Gal)
I'll watch it later BUT-I worry al little about this dark horse race..
The question is, who do the tweenies love more, Glamy or Kris?
But was very happy to hear that Smuggie's gone buh-bye.
Madame Glambert shall rule Season 8!!!
And for the record, Zooey's on my list too.
I was so freakin' worried when Kris was announced as a finalist. But was so relieved when Gokey was booted. Bye bye Smuggie!
It's funny how the three "pimp spots" from the Semifinals were Adam, Danny and Lil. They were supposed to be our preordained Top 3, but two of them ended up as contestants everyone just wanted to go away. If there's one bright spot from this overmanipulated season, it's been watching unpimped underdogs like Allison and Kris crash the producers' party by performing much better than their backstory-driven pets.
(From the Ramones):...Glad to see you go go goodbye, Glad to see you go go goodbye, Go go goodbye...
Why has your boy NOT done 'Welcome to the Jungle'? It's obvious that he's going to be a rock vocalist, but I've yet to hear him choose a REAL rock song. This is my beef with your boy. That Aerosmith Phase II (the crappy clean, sober, boring, last good record was 'Night in the Ruts' Aerosmtih) song doesn't count. He's got to go out on this limb in order to both impress me and win next week.
He'll always have jamar.
Love what Ian says about unpimped underdogs.
Also, Katy Perry/Zooey Deschanel and her sister Emily/Alexis Bledel are all interchangeable on my lesbian list.
I'm mad Allison isn't in the final, but at least Gokey is not. That's something.
Zooey Deschanel is definitely in my Top 5, and so clearly Katy Perry is too. Why can't I ever have dreams about THAT?
Oh...because my word ver is "dehot". Even your blog doesn't want me to get any.
The finale should be very good and hek-a-doodle, Chris could win it all
Also, I find myself wondering if I'd have hated Gokey as much as I do if I weren't a reader of your blog. Because everyone else in my family adores the jerk.