Whoa, that just sunk in. Holy (foghorn), I feel old now.
Well, the body may be decrepit, but I'm still a child on the inside - and that child is very excited for this weekend's Spongebob marathon on Nickelodeon, and the brandy new documentary on VH1 tomorrow night! YAY! I'm ready...I'm ready...I'm ready...I'M READY!
In honor of Sir Squarepants, I would like to show you all a clip from the funniest Spongebob episode EVAH - "Band Geeks." If you haven't seen that one, you must immediately find it and watch it. It was the episode that got me hooked on the show. Of course, I'm giving away the ending, which is the best part, but trust me. There are so many great moments and quotes in it that you should really watch from the beginning.
I agree, Band Geeks is one of the absolute best episodes of Spongebob.
PS - Come over to my place and see my 85-year-old mother flipping the bird.
But have many friends who think he rules
Still, gotta give the sponge his props. Not even Michael Jackson would be famous for having his likenesses repeatedly stolen from the rooftops of Burger Kings across the nation. These crimes are almost crop-circle-like in their randomness.
OK, I'm done now. Except I love the line in "Band Geeks" when SpongeBob says "Larry...when your heart gave out from all the tanning pills, who revived you?" and Larry says "Some guy in an ambulance". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
OK, really enough.
Clearly, she's much more mature than I.
Oh freaking well.
"You taught me a valuable lesson. Although, I'm not quite sure what it is." *snicker*