It was also rumored that these fine, upstanding people were aiming their righteous anger at other Idols, namely Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen, for being "fag enablers." Fag enablers? What are those? I wanna be one! It sounds like fun! Especially if Lambert's involved. I will enable him all day long.
But wait! It gets better! Here are the protesters, or "fag disablers," if you will:

I mean, seriously. This is it?? GAYS ARE RUINING THE WORLD, and only two people bothered to show up and spread the word? Did they forget to put the meeting time in the church bulletin, or are these just the worst zealots ever? What kind of church do these people belong to? Bob's Church and Grill? Come on! I could gather more people together in the next five minutes to protest that guy's fanny pack.

(For all of you insane people out there ready to anonymously flail me in the comments section, just know that I am a Christian. And I would like to remind you what Jesus said about homosexuals. Actually, why don't you remind me? That page of my Bible must have been ripped out.)
*I hear it's since been removed. Hallelujah!!
** Thank you, Sir Simon Milligan.
OK I don't ALWAYS say it, in fact that's the first time I ever said it, but I will say it once an hour from now on. Because it's glorious.
Unlike those asshat protesters.
The Jesus I know and love was probably gay himself. Or at least a hell-raiser! Hard telling, not knowing...
And when these screwed-up Christians (hello, fellow Sane Christian!) use the Bible as their excuse, I think it's just 'cuz Jesus never actually used the word "Fabulous!!"
And, wow...5369 reasons why people are idiots. So far. Impressive.
The best thing I've heard about them recently is that a group of people have decided that for every minute that these wackos protest events, they'll donate money to a Gay charity. So in effect, one could argue that these protests do more good than harm.
Oh wait...
When you look at that couple, it makes you wonder how they even got to see or hear about American Idol in that wing of the hospital, but I guess they think the music is good therapy for the mentally ill.
I went to the concert. It was all good.... except Gokey, as predicted. He spewed this 10 minute long faux-inspirational yarn about his wife's death.
On and on and on he went (my kid was slumped in her seat rolling her eyes), ending with this statement, "so, see, all these good things that came out of her death?" then he burst into song while my jaw hit the floor in disgust. "See all these good things that came out of her death"?! I wanted to punch him. Again.
I bet she's glad she's dead. Living with him must've been sheer hell.
I do think a two person protest is pretty sad.
And your LOLIDOLZ are freaking genius.
And as far as Danny goes, it's one thing to mourn a loss like the one he had. It's quite another to use it as a marketing strategy.
Idiots 0
And that guy's fanny pack is soooo last season.
Oh, I totally respect everyone's right to believe what they want to believe. But I don't respect people who force those beliefs on everyone else. If someone is gonna do that, then I get to voice my disgust. Do those protesters have any respect for others' beliefs? Do they have any compassion for people who are different from them? No. It's their way or the highway to hell. And they let everyone know it. I don't see you out there asking Fanny Pack not to be so hard on Adam.
You're obviously not a fan of "teh gay," and that's fine. But let's not assume that an "Idol" has to be a perfect angel in order to be successful or well-liked. That's ridiculous. We're talking about the music business! Who are some of the biggest pop idols (before there was Idol) to ever grace the biz? Elvis. Michael Jackson. Madonna. Prince. Are they people we should all aspire to be like? Hell no. But are they entertaining? Hell yes.
As far as Danny goes, look, I don't hate the guy as much as I used to. Mainly because he's not on my TV screen every Tuesday night. But I can't end the Gokey-bashing so abruptly. It's become part of my schtick.
Also, I've always felt bad for the guy for losing his wife. I feel bad for anyone who's lost a loved one. But, as WWW said here already, it was pretty creepy the way he used that tragedy as a marketing strategy. And I am not the only one who feels that way. And just because the guy has had some tragedy in his life, that means no one's allowed to voice a negative opinion of his talent? Be serious. If it's too hard for him to hear the negative, he's in the wrong business. And if it's too hard for him to hear it so soon after his wife's death, then maybe he should've waited a while before jumping into AI. But, you know what? I've seen backstage videos, etc. of the Idols and Danny looks like he's having a pretty damn good time. He's not moping around with his head hanging down every minute of the day, so why do his fans continue to act like he's some poor lost puppy who has to be treated so delicately?
And I just had an interesting thought, which is not meant to be directed at you in particular. I wonder if all the Danny fans would have had as much sympathy for Adam if he had lost a partner. I'd like to think so, but something tells me that the majority of them wouldn't have.