Oh c'mon, this is just another negotiation strategy, right? A scare tactic? A call to arms for all Idol fans? It has to be, right?
I know I said that four judges is one too many, but it's more specifically one Kara too many. Look, I know I mess with Paula a lot, but it's out of love. She can't leave! Who's going to be my "magnet of joy?" KARA?? Eff to the no! Kara won't critique people before they sing. Kara can't do the seal clap. Kara can't hear colors. Kara doesn't know where the pocket is. KARA DOESN'T DARE TO DANCE IN THE PATH OF GREATNESS!! Sure, DioHarpy thinks that Studio 57 was a real place, but not because she's drunk or stoned. She's just stupid.
Okay, I'm not going to get all atwitter (ha ha) about this. Until I get a REAL confirmation from a reliable source (tweets aren't exactly binding contracts), I am going to just assume that P-Ab will be returning next season.
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ETA: Well, according to EW, FOX has confirmed that Paula has tweeted the truth. *sigh* I'm still hoping for a last minute change of heart. Unless Paula knows that this show is going in the shitter sans Glambert and wants to make a dramatic exit now.
I'm pretty sure ratings and watchability are going to suffer. I think that's why some of those other talent contect shows don't do as well, they don't have a doofus like Paula train wrecking the place up.
Kara? bitch, please! I can't stomach her. Do you think Paula felt it was one woman too many and decided to bow out? Shame on her for doing so, if that's the case, because I would've thought she would be a better fighter.
I don't know if I'll tune in next year. It will be boring. I don't know if Simon alone can swing it without his partner-in-crime.
But it's sad, I agree. Kara and no Paula?! Think maybe they can talk Sharon Osbourne into taking Paula's place? THAT I would LOVE to see!!
Also, mjenks's comment cracked my ass up.
P.S., word ver is "robase". I wonder if anyone else got "djezrock"?
I don't think she's any dimmer than the Randster, and probably a lot more talented.
Kara is a phoney, no question.
I fear this is another case of women of a certain age getting the reject button