Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you're all in a deep, deep tryptophanic haze at this point, or soon will be.
Now it's time to gather the family 'round the computer for the time-honored tradition of me re-posting ye olde Jive Turkey Day post. It's not exactly timely, but unlike that pumpkin pie that you'll discover in the very back of your fridge two weeks from now, Tom Cruise humor will never go bad.
Click on Tom Turkey to be transported back to The Pop Eye's very first Thanksgiving!
Now it's time to gather the family 'round the computer for the time-honored tradition of me re-posting ye olde Jive Turkey Day post. It's not exactly timely, but unlike that pumpkin pie that you'll discover in the very back of your fridge two weeks from now, Tom Cruise humor will never go bad.
Click on Tom Turkey to be transported back to The Pop Eye's very first Thanksgiving!

TurkeyTom doesn't need to eat turkey when he has his thetons keeping him warm.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day my love!