I suppose I could catch up by watching the videos on MJ's Big Blog, but I'm honestly not that interested. I can pretty much tell you what happened last night and what will happen tonight. Consider this the audition template:
- The judges try to act surprised when faced with several crazy people who can't sing
- Two or three people with sob stories of varying degrees get shitloads of screen time and golden tickets
- The judges rave over a handful of pretty/slutty girls with average voices
- Kara swoons over a handful of heavily-gelled guys who sound like every other inoffensive pop crooner on the radio
- One complete clown is offered up to make everyone laugh
- One complete nutcase is offered up to try to inject some drama into the show
- Simon rubs his nipples
- Randy makes up imaginary percentages
- Kara makes everyone want to kick her in the face
- The guest judge just sits there being useless (Although from what I've heard this only applied to Avril Lavigne on Day 1. Apparently, Katy Perry took over on Day 2 and was feisty, awesome, and threatened to throw her Coke in Kara's face. That's close enough to a kick for me to love it.)
Check out the guy at :21 who says he's the love child of Susan Boyle and Glambert. IT'S TOTALLY DANIEL FRANCO FROM PROJECT RUNWAY (seasons 1 and 2)!! I guess now there is finally an answer to Santino and Nick's musical question...
So, is that a step up or down on the reality TV ladder? I guess it all depends on your point of view.
Reading some articles, some people are thinking maybe Katy will take Simon's place...
So, dude, Becks, du-hu-hude. Let me tell ya, girl. At the very, very end of the show, when they announce, "...[such and such] got a golden ticket, along with twelve* other hopefuls on day two in Los Angeles..." there was a seriously smokin' hot guy. He renames nameless as of right now, but not faceless, as I may or may not have rewound my DVR four or twelve times to really burn his sexy likeness into my retinas. Oh dear me. He was wearing an army-green colored long sleeve shirt and jeans. No idea who he is, but come Hollywood week you'd better believe my eyes are peeled!
Just thought I'd officially call dibs on John Doe.
There. Done.
* I dunno how many. Who cares.
Word ver is "faving." Apropos!
Word ver is "retrign." I be officially retrign this comment. Yet again, weirdly apropos.
I don't blame you. I'm over the auditions. Over it.
The best was freakin creepy guy. The one who said "they enjoyed every inch of this".
The best was at the end when he creeped Ryan out so bad Ryan ran to his bodyguard's aid.
I just found an awful pic of Nic Cage, and put it on my blog. I wonder if anyone has seen that before.
I'm pretty sure this doesn't bode well.