And so it was that the very first entry in this month's contest was the winner. And it belonged to 2009's Firecrotch of the Year, Words Words Words.

And now, because people like to feel special, here are some special ladies who weren't quite special enough to win:
Heidi's response when asked, "What's your position on gays in the military?" - Catherinette (Oddly enough, it's my position, too! Heyyy-o!)
Heidi realizes her plastic surgery fetish may have gone too far when she wakes up to find she's a spider. - The Vegetable Assassin
Well, me and 50,000 other people.
PS I thought that earth mutha was Octo Mom! hee hee!
“Just do this. Whatever sags, gets snipped.”
(seriously, wtf is with that chasm between her hipbones?)
"This is how a woman pees for distance. Take that you awful men!"
That's terrible, but it's all I've got.
It is interesting that there are a lot of valleys in this picture. Not only can you see down her cleavage, but the waistband of her pants isn't hiding much either. You can almost see her kitty.
But I must give it up to Wordsx3.
Damn you words...words...words. Damn you!